SA in Scientific & Educational Meaning

The SA meaning in Scientific & Educational terms is "Surface Area". There are 24 related meanings of the SA Scientific & Educational abbreviation.

SA on Scientific & Educational Full Forms

  1. Surface Area
  2. Salicylic Acid Salicylic acid is a monohydroxybenzoic acid, a type of phenolic acid and a beta hydroxy acid. This colorless crystalline organic acid is widely used in organic synthesis and functions as a plant hormone. It is derived from the metabolism of salicin.
  3. Scientific American
  4. Styrene Acrylonitrile
  5. Solar Array
  6. Shielding Anisotropy
  7. School of The Arts
  8. Sand Aggregate consisting of mineral particles whose size is generally less than 5mm; fine aggregate. Merchants in the UK supply soft sand and coarse or fine sharp sand. Grains of rock between 0.06mm and 2mm. In metalcasting, a loose, granular material high in SiO2, resulting from the disintegration of rock. The name “sand” refers to the size of grain and not to mineral composition. Diameter of the individual grains can vary from approximately 6 to 270 mesh.
  9. Surface observation
  10. Saturday
  11. sialic acid
  12. Sensors and Actuators
  13. Astrophysics Division
  14. Summit Academy
  15. Success Achiever
  16. Special Assistant
  17. Spatial Analysis A law stating that the total radiation emitted by a black body is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature.
  18. Student Association
  19. Small Area
  20. Situation(al) Awareness
  21. Staphylococcus Aureus (bacterium)
  22. Southern Andes
  23. Salt Landsman's nickname for a seaman.
  24. Silver Azide

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SA stand for Scientific & Educational?

    SA stands for Sensors and Actuators in Scientific & Educational terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Salt in Scientific & Educational?

    The short form of "Salt" is SA for Scientific & Educational.


SA in Scientific & Educational. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated