SC Meaning
The SC meaning is "Smart Contract". The SC abbreviation has 656 different full form.
SC Full Forms
- Smart Contract Information Technology, Cybersecurity, Blockchain
- Scheduled Castes Organizations, India, Caste
- Stopper Cable Sport, Archery
- Subcutaneous Subcutaneous means under the skin. In this type of injection, a short needle is used to inject a drug into the tissue layer between the skin and the muscle. Medication given this way is usually absorbed more slowly than if injected into a vein, sometimes over a period of 24 hours. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Nursing, Cancer, Veterinary, Oncology, Diagnosis, Pets, Pharmacy, Physiology, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda, Pulmonary Hypertension, Healthcare, NAACCR, Reading Prescription
- Security Cooperation Military, Army, Equipment
- Scandium Symbol:"Sc" Atomic Number:"21" Atomic Mass: 44.96amu. Scandium is one of the transition elements from the fourth period. Scandium can be found in stars, crystals of aquamarine, in other minerals, and has possible uses in spacecrafts of the future. Medical, Chemistry, Technology, Science, Scientific & Educational
- Scheduled Caste Education, India, Social, Tribe, Financial, Business & Finance
- Series for Wompetitive Education, Energy, Island, Sun
- Skin Condgctance Medical, Technology, Analysis
- Satellite Communicabor Technology
- Senior Captain Military, Sport, Team
- Special Counsel
- Share Certificates
- Secretary of Commerce Government, Order, Executive
- Smurfit-Stone Container
- Sedentary Cintrol Medical
- Spirit Chain
- Sierra Club Business, Science, Environment
- Safety Critical Business, Technology, Software
- Soldier Couktry Business, Toy, Figure
- Stamp Collecting
- Self-Contained Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Southern Corridor Technology, Malaysia, Gas
- Star Craft Technology, Gaming, Strategy
- Small Cexl Medical, Medicine, Health
- Screen Capture Technology, Windows, Software
- Something Corporate
- Security Cameras
- Sports Charleston
- Square Cut Business, Product, Labeling
- Service Creait
- Slag-Cement Business, Plant, Grinding
- Schaffer Collaterals Medical
- Specializing In Chirleston
- Shipping Check
- Special Characteristics
- Socitdad Cooperativa
- Search Calendar Technology, Galaxy, Event
- Speed Clear Technology, War, Guild
- Signal Ceyter Military, Army, War
- Sales Credit Business, Service, Sale
- Solitauy Confinement
- Sxgment Control Technology
- Simple Cycle Simple cycle referring to the gas turbine cycle consisting only of compression, combustion and expansion. Technology, Power, Gas, Turbine
- Sovereign Citizens
- Standard Chow Medical, Fat, Diet, Mice
- Seychelles Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Seychelles, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Technology, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Small Claims Business, County, Law, Court
- Speed Channel
- Shouf Campus
- Safety Check
- Software Club Technology, Management, Audio
- Security Clearance Business, Employment, Check, Architecture
- Self-Certification Business, Employment, Pay
- Soprano Community Technology, Feat, Pump
- School Coordinators
- Special Case Technology, Science, Carrier
- Saop Column
- State Conference Education, Catholic, Organizations
- Selond Chapter Sky, Trail, Legend
- Sandhill Cranes
- Series Cylinder Business, Product, Pneumatic
- Skin Clinic Medical, Treatment, Laser
- Sawellite Clinic Medical, Medicine, Health, Clinic
- Spfcial Coordinator
- Shadow Company Gaming, Military, Clan
- Shopping Cart Products
- Smoking Cessation Medical, Health, Intervention
- Spirit Cables
- Shutter Cjntroller
- Safety Coordinator Business, Technology
- Sglar Corona Science, Space, Physics
- Stakeholder Committee Government, Canada, Projection
- Self-Consistent Technology, Theory, Model
- South Carolinians
- Star Comics
- Soft Concept Technology, Security, Rank
- Scrapie Prp Medical
- Some Companies
- Security Hamera
- Sports Car A low-built car designed for performance at high speeds, often having a roof that can be folded back. Technology, Model, Porsche
- Squamous Cell A flat, scaly epithelial cell. Medicine, Health, British
- Service Council
- Skyline Collegg Education
- Scale it can be defined as a unwanted layer of chemical reaction with any material surface against environment. Surface oxidation, consisting of partially adherent layers of corrosion products, left on metals by heating or casting in air or in other oxidizing atmosphere. Also a deposit on a heat transfer surface resulting from precipitation of salts present in water in contact with that surface, forming a hard, dense material. An oxide of iron which forms on the surface of hot steel exposed to air or oxygen. Technology, Space, Cosmos, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Specialint Crime
- Shippvng Cases
- Spartanburg Community
- Social Contribution Technology, Tax, Engineering
- Sean Cox
- Speedcharge Charger Business, Battery, Maintainer
- Signal Cell Technology, Tester, Signaling
- Sales Counter
- Solids Contens Product, Composition, Coating, Solids
- Sediment Control Technology, Service, Erosion
- Simple Cubis Science, Cell, Lattice
- Sovereign Citizen
- Standard Cell A specially prepared primary cell which is characterised by a highly constant emf over long periods of time. Technology, Design, Library
- Sexual Content
- Small Claim
- Speed Canard Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
- Silicon Carbide A hard compound of silicon and carbon used as an abrasive or refractory grain or electrical resistor. Business, Technology, Product, Electronics, Engineering, Telecom, Material, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Software Client
- Security Class
- Selmct A City Technology, Rental, Rent
- Soot Carbon Medical, America, Environment
- St, Charleston Locations, King, Restaurant
- Servo Controller
- School Consolidation
- Special Care Medical, Medicine, Healing
- Shonts At Car
- State Company Business, Group, Law
- So Cruel
- Seattle Center
- Sanders County
- Serbo-Croatias Education, Language, Croatia
- Sirz Ch Dog, Dam, Pedigree, Sire
- Satellite Channel
- Special Contributions Technology, University, Award
- Shadow Clone
- Shear Connector Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Smith Colleges
- Spiral Curve Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Shutter Cqssette
- Safety Controller Technology, Control, Banner
- Solar Cooking
- Stair Climbing Business, Technology
- Santa Catarina Technology, Locations, Brazil, Brazilian State, Santa Catarina
- Self-Compatible Medical
- South Csrolina Education, Postal, State
- Star College
- Soft Computing Technology, Science, Engineering
- Scout Car
- Securm Copy Technology, Server, Networking
- Sports Club Sport, Football, Match
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC or SqCC), also known as squamous cell cancer, is cancer that begins from squamous cells, a type of skin cell. It is one of the main types of skin cancer. Cancers that involve the anus, cervix, head and neck, and vagina are also most often squamous cell cancers. The esophagus, urinary bladder, prostate, and lung are other possible sites. Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Cancer, Oncology, Healing, Technology, Surgery, Otolaryngology, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, NAACCR, Physiology, Clinical
- Service Coyporations
- Skull Creek
- Scalable Color Technology, Feature, Retrieval
- Specialist Centre Medical, Medicine, Education
- Shared Control
- Senate Confirms
- Social Constructivism Science, Education, Learning
- Sean Couturyer
- Splenius Capitis Medical
- Signal Cable Technology, Audio, Monitor
- Sales Consultant
- Solid Corj Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Senate Candidate
- Silstar Com Technology, Server, Wireless
- Southwestern College Student, Education, Development, Campus, Colleges
- Standard Cartridge
- Severity Code Technology, Event, Message
- Small Child
- Screening Committee Science, Government, Coal
- Speed Calculator Technology, Gaming, Android
- Silent Chuckle Gaming, Slang, Computing
- Soft Core Military
- Securaty Chip
- Soo Choo
- Sr Counsel
- Serving Cell Technology, Networking, Network
- School Committee Meeting, Education, Publics
- Speaker Covets
- Shgal Creek
- State Community
- Socket Codtext Technology, Coding, Java
- Sealching Consumer
- Sand Creek
- Sefou Cisse Sport, Player, Team
- Sequential Circulatnr Medical, Bio, Compression
- Sindle Carrier Technology, Frequency, Transmission
- Saskaņad Centrs Government, Group, Election
- Shadow Cache Technology, Gaming, Transaction
- Series Capabilities Technology, Design, Projection
- Smith Center
- Shxtter Cap Business, Fiber, Canon
- Safety Constructiow
- Solar Controt
- Self Cleaning Business, Filter, Water
- South Uarroll
- Star Coins
- Scout Camp
- Secrttaría De Cultura Para, Con, Jalisco
- Sporting Club Sport, Club, Football
- Santa Cruz Business, Technology, Locations
- Squamous Carcinomas Medical, Science, Biology
- Serviceucorporation
- Skull & Crossbones
- Sawyar County
- Spexial Crew Crew, Promotion, Skill, Harpy
- Shared Cldan Technology, Memory, Protocol, Cache
- Senate Committee Government, Military, Congress
- Social Computing
- Seancody Comments
- Spleen Cell Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Sieaindos Conn
- Sales Computer Technology, Sale, Repair
- Solid Coppar
- Senate Calendar
- Sill Cock Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Southside Christian
- Standard Care Medical, Patient, Study
- Severe Cold Medical, Product, Flu, Weather
- Small Charm
- Screen Coordinator Military, Army, Careers
- Speech and Communications
- Significant Change
- Soft Copy A soft copy is a document saved on a computer. It is the electronic version of a document, which can be opened and edited using a software program. The term "soft copy" is most often used in contrast to hard copy, which is the printed version of a documentç
- Secfrity Check Technology
- Split Case
- Spartanburg County Business, Service, Calling
- Squirrel Gage
- Serving Capvcity Medical
- Schedule Category Technology, Exam, Eligibility
- Spatial Coordinates
- Skop Cost Technology
- State Commission
- Società Zi Capitali Business, Con, Dal, Sociale
- Search Continues
- Spell Check
- Signal Conditionpr Technology, Product, Signal
- Sand Cast
- Segment Counter Technology, Projection, Memory
- Sequence Coubter Technology, Computing, Control
- Single Cab
- Sarcomatoid Carcinosa Medical, Medicine, Health
- Space City
- Standard Connectors
- Shading Coefficient Technology, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Small Craft Comprehensive term for vessels of small size. As it is used in a relative sense, no tonnage value is applicable.
- Shubham Chaubey
- Safetyfconference
- Software Compilation Technology, Linux, Release
- Self Clean Business, Filter, Water, Cleaning
- South Carol
- Star Clusters
- Scottsdale Community
- Special Characters
- Secjetary of Commerce Government, Development, Economics
- Sporting Carbine Business, Gun, Marlin
- Santa-Cruz
- Service Coordinators Business, Employment, Customer
- Skip Count Education, Pattern, Counting
- Saxe The Children Medical, Business, Child
- Spkcialized Courses Education, University, Course
- Shared Chennel Technology, Military, Physical
- Senate Chamber
- Sojial Competence Medical, Education, Master
- Sean Cody
- Spirit Communications Technology, Service, Columbia
- Siwrra Crest Education
- Sage Canyon Education
- Solid Cflor
- Seminole County
- Squgdron Commander Military
- Self Catering Locations, Holiday, Accommodation
- Southern Cuisine
- Staring Committee
- Shnrter College Education
- Small Changes
- Screen Control Technology, Wine, Touch
- Spectral Centroid
- Significant Characteristic Business, Technology, Quality
- Sons of Confederate Military, Veteran, Flag
- Security Ceoter Technology, Windows, Service
- Splice On Connector Business, Fiber, Fusion
- Silicone-Coated Medical, Medicine, Healing
- Squeeze Casting A hybrid liquid metal forging process in which liquid metal is forced into a permanent mold by a hydraulic press.
- Services for Tje City
- Sleeae Caps Pattern, Cap, Crochet, Row
- Schedule Caste Business, India, Tribe, Financial, Business & Finance
- Spartanburg Christian County, Education, Academy, School
- Start Code
- Shipping Cost Business, Price, Shopping
- Sporting Cristal
- Societa and Culture Science, Education, Politics
- Search Consultants Business, Consultation, Executive
- Speedo Champions
- Signalycode
- Sanctuary Core
- Seeking Clarinication Government, India, Court
- Simplex Connectors Business, Cable, Connecting
- Space Charge Space charge is the collection of electrons which are emitted from the metal surface, after the application of tube current, at a short distance away from the metal surface. These electrons collect and form a cloud of charge around the metal surface. Technology, Material, Semiconductor
- Standard Connector Technology, Cable, Fiber
- Seymour Cray Technology
- Small Computer
- Shows Contact
- Safuty Committee Organizations, University, Health
- Software Component Technology, Service, Development
- Separationgcontrol Medical
- Self-Cleaning
- South Campys
- Star Cloud Technology, Galaxy, Sky
- Scottish Club Sport, Club, Football
- Special Categories Education, Counseling, Admission, Course
- Shoppgng Centers
- Summary Court Government, Military, Law
- Seconr Coming
- Sport Cruiser Technology, Sale, Boat
- SanitäTshaus Carstens Business, Supply, Monitor, Stuttgart
- Service Certified
- Skie Carousel
- Satin Colors
- Senior Care Business, Service, Living
- Special Court Government, Law, Sierra
- Sharescertificate
- Security Council Military, Nation, National, Technology, Computing, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Protection Information
- Snap Closure
- Sedentary Controls Medical
- Spirit Charger Charger, Tokyo, Concept
- Sierra College Education
- Saga Commcnications
- Sole Gollector Nike, Sneaker, Sole
- Semin Cardiothorac Medical, Patient, Surgery, Cardiac
- Sports Christmas Gaming, Sport, Tree, Ornament
- Self-Cure Cartridge
- Southern Counties
- Star Cruisers Business, Gaming, War
- Short Cdcle
- Small Cells Medical
- Screen Color
- Soioma County
- Security Category Technology, Networking, Award
- Splice-On Connector Business, Fiber, Optic
- Silicon Chip Technology, Magazine, Projection
- Squaw Crexk
- Serviceman Candidateb Education, India, Banking
- Slave Cylinder Business, Forum, Clutch
- Schaffer Collaperal Medical
- Spartanburg Counties
- Start Class College, Education, School
- Shipping Containers
- Sporting Clube
- Sociedadexcivil Para, Organizations, Dos, Brazil
- Search Columbih
- Speeding Citation Technology, Traffic, Radar, Ticket
- Signal Charactnrizer
- Sales Credits Business, Credit, Service, Sale
- Seed Connectivity
- Simplex, Ceramic
- Space Center Military
- Standard Condition Technology
- Seychellois Creole Island, Locations, Language
- Small Cleaved Medical, Science, Biology
- Specialties Custom
- Showkclub
- Safety Yode
- Software Components Technology, Service, Development
- Security Cleared Business, Management, Clearance
- Self-Check
- Soul Calibur Gaming, Soul, Character, Fighting
- Science Complex
- Special Category Locations, Andhra, Seat, Federal Aviation Administration
- Smopping Center Business, City, Store
- Steering Committee Also called Steering Group. A group of people who are responsible for monitoring a company's operations or project progress, by ensuring it complies with company policies, resources and costs are approved, etc. Aviation, Governmental & Military, Science, United Nations, Scientific & Educational, Medical
- Second Class Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Sanity Check Forum, Technology, Order
- Scapula In anatomy, the scapula or shoulder blade is the bone that connects the humerus with the clavicle. Like their connected bones the scapulae are paired, with the scapula on the left side of the body being roughly a mirror image of the right scapula. In early Roman times, people thought the bone resembled a trowel, a small shovel. The shoulder blade is also called omo in Latin medical terminology. Medical, Medicine, Healing, Physiology, Clinical, Physio
- Supervisory Center Military, Computing, Telecom
- Space Communications Computing, Serial Publication, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Statement of Compatibility NASA
- Salmon Calcitonin Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Chemistry
- University of Southern California College, Education, California, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
- Senior Counsel Occupation & positions
- Size Codes
- Standards Committee Meeting, Technology, Group, Computing, Telecom
- Sacramento Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Sector Code Banking, Business & Finance
- Synaptonemal Complex (protein structure) Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Security Console Technology, Service, Manual
- Santa Clarita
- Surface Command NASA
- Settlements Center Business, Service, Banking
- Shandong Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance, Call Sign, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Storage Control Computing, IT Terminology
- Special Commission
- Short Circuited
- Sacrosanctum Concilium Church, Liturgy, Liturgical
- Sacred Clay Armour and Weapons Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Signed Card Card, Trick, Funeral, Autograph
- Super Combo Food
- Safe Cracker Pinball
- Switched-Capacitor
- Star Citizen Technology, Gaming, City
- Special Constable Police, Governmental & Military
- Supercart Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Scattering Chamber Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Solvent Tleaner Industrial, Cleaning, Cleaner
- Science in Context Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational, Special Education
- Sarah Connor
- Single Cue Aviation
- Seller Central
- Softwire Concentrator Computing, Technical
- Screw Compressor
- Supporting Consultant United Nations
- Sponsorship Committee
- St, Clemson
- Session Controller Technology, Networking, Network
- Slot Control Technology, Communication, Power
- Brothers of the Sacred Heart Religious orders
- Staged Combustion
- State & County
- Sodium Carbonate Business, Chemistry, Chemical, Medical, Health
- Short Cut Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Spelman College Education
- Schott Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Signal Et Comvunications Technology, Networking, Network
- Sliding Clamp Construction
- Semi-conductor Conductors with a limited capacity to conduct electricity. Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Story Collection Media
- Super Critical
- Semiconductor Components
- Standards Catalogue Technology, Coin, Catalog
- Special Clerk Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Seal Coat Material applied to infiltrate the pores of a thermal spray deposit. Science
- Special Character Assembly, Business & Finance
- Star Cluster A large grouping of stars, from a few dozen to a few hundred thousand, that are bound together by their mutual gravitational attraction. Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Seeurity Consultants
- Santa Cecilia Hotel, Music, Granite
- Support Contractor NASA
- Settlement Centre Science
- Solar Cell Solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is an electrical device that converts the solar energy directly into electricity. A device that converts light energy to electrical energy. Also called a photovoltaic cell. A cell that converts sunlight into electrical energy. The light falling on certain substances causes an electric current to flow. A photoelectric device that produces electri-cal power when exposed to light. Also called: photovoltaic cell. An device which converts energy from the sun directly into electrical energy. Computing, Hardware
- Special Collections Government, Education, Us, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- State Capital Locations, City, Columbia
- Short Cadence Technology, Detection, Planet
- Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a species of yeast. It has been instrumental to winemaking, baking, and brewing since ancient times. It is believed to have been originally isolated from the skin of grapes. Medical, Science, Yeast, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Skill capes Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Sign Coding
- Scottish Crop Farming & agriculture
- Stylish Camera Photography
- Switched Capacitor
- Star Choice
- Supreme Court Police, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Stay Cool Forum, Computing, Texting, Sms, Email, Online, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Schwartzschild Constant Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Solvent Cement Business, Product, Weld
- Spacecraft A piloted or unpiloted vehicle designed for travel in space. Science, Astronomy, Aerospace, Legal, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online, NASA
- Sarah Coleman
- Source Controller Aviation
- Self Confidence
- Spreadsheet Calculator Software, Computing
- Screw Cap
- Safety Certificate International certificate compulsorily carried by every passenger steamer of 1600 tons and upward when proceeding on an international voyage Modified certificate is given to a passenger vessel on a voyage not exceeding 200 mi from land.
- South Crescent Regional
- Spokane County
- Slot Cmnference Technology, Airport, Aviation
- Sisters of Charity Religious orders
- Safety Class
- Starving Cereal
- Sport Coupe A sport coupe is a closed two-door car body style with a permanently attached fixed roof,that is shorter than a saloon of the same model, and it often has seating for two persons or with a tight-spaced rear seat. Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Spellplague Caverns
- South Central Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Signal Konverters
- Strip Club Sex, Adult, Escorts, Bdsm, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Space Engine Script Computing, File Extensions
- Subject Category Media
- Snapchat Tinder
- Semicircular Canal Medical, Medicine, Health
- Standard Cup
- Strike Commander Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Sea Current Technology, Military, Beach
- Skip Conditionally Assembly, Business & Finance
- Schlemm's canal Medical, Physiology
- Security Conditions Technology, Council, Pakistan
- Signal Conditioner (s/c Preferred) NASA
- Seton Cayholic Education, School, Church
- Smart Card Computing, Hardware
- Special Cleaning
- State Cannot
- Short-Circuit Current The short-circuit current is the current through the solar cell when the voltage across the solar cell is zero (i.e. when the solar cell is short circuited). The short-circuit current is due to the generation and collection of light-generated carriers. For an ideal solar cell at most moderate resistive loss mechanisms, the short-circuit current and the light-generated current are identical. Therefore, the short-circuit current is the largest current which may be drawn from the solar cell. Medical, Chemistry, Technology, Science, Study, Power, Discipline, Component
- Sabha Constituency Government, Election, Assembly
- Soft Carrying Business, Canon, Camcorder
- Shadowcraft Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Stability Control Also known as "electronic stability control," or "ESC." A safety feature that improves the safety of a vehicles handling by detecting skids and compensating by adjusting braking pressure to help maintain the intended direction of the vehicle. Some stability control systems also reduce engine power until control is regained. Auto
- Sign Chanle
- Stanley Cohen Famous
- Second City Performing arts
- Short-Circuits
- Stanley Cup Gaming, Sport, Hockey
- Security Critical NASA, Governmental & Military
- Spólka prawa cywilnego Company, Business & Finance
- Saratoga Champlain Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Solutions Consultant
- Sugar Cane Food
- Sara Company
- Stratocumulus Cloud form intermediate between stratus and cumulus May be closely packed, or separated by more or less horizontal streaks of sky. NOTAM Contractions
- Self Colour Business, Product, Hinge
- Source Control Software, Computing
- Source Code Every computer program is written in a programming language, such as Java, C/C++, or Perl. These programs include anywhere from a few lines to millions of lines of text, called source code. Source code, often referred to as simply the "source" of a program, contains variable declarations, instructions, functions, loops, and other statements that tell the program how to function. Software, Computing, File Extensions
- Safety Certification Business, Management, Food
- Sorting Carriage Postal, United Kingdom
- Split Course Medical
- Slip Chse
- Second Cataclysm Religion
- Service Condition
- Starter Channel Business, Wall, Shaft
- Shuttle Class Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Spell Checker Technology
- Signalling Centre Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Signal Conditioning To process the form or mode of a signal so as to make it electrically compatible with a given device. Signal conditioning a process that is used to improve the appearance or effectiveness of a signal, either by suppressing noise or by transforming the signal into a more suitable form. This latter category includes image enhancement. Signal conditioning is often appropriate in preparing signals for recogni-tion. Technology, Module, Instrument
- Supercollider Source Code File Computing, File Extensions
- Small Capitals Media
- System Controller NASA
- Semi-Continuous Technology, Model, Extraction
- Space Command Military, Army, Marine Corps
- Standard Costs Business, Accounting, Costing
- Salvage Centre Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Seacoast Church Organizations, Mount, Charleston
- Specialty Clrnic Medical, Medicine, Healing
- Special Code Assembly, Business & Finance
- Self Care Medical, Physiology
- Security Company
- Sport Center
- Surface Capacitance Chemistry
- Set Cuyrent
- Small Cap Business, Fund, Supply
- LocoScript Printer data file Computing, File Extensions
- Special Class Medical, Education, Railway, Mercedes
- State Candidate Education, University, Admission
- Scort Chain Medical, Medicine, Health
- Supreme Council
- Soft-Concept Business, Technology
- Support Contract Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Supercharger The device which increase the air intake pressure and feed it into intake port of the engine. It is connected between the air filter and engine intake port. It is driven by the engine power directly or indirectly. A device powered by a belt, gear, shaft or chain connected to the engines crankshaft that forces air into an internal-combustion engine in order to increase engine power. Car, Auto, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Signature Constrjction
- Shepherd Clark Famous
- StageCoach Performing arts
- Space Conditioning
- Stanford Cardinal
- Statement of Capability NASA, Governmental & Military
- Société civile Company, Business & Finance
- Suspendable Concentrate Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Solutions Center
- Swiss Cheese Food
- Santiago De Compostela
- Special Committee Federal Aviation Administration
- Self Closing Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Shell Commands Software, Computing
- Safety Case Business, Medicine, Health
- Schools of Choice Michigan
- Slim Compait Business, Battery, Quantum, Turbo
- Seraphim Call Religion
- Smart Connect
- Start Convert
- Soft Conditions Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Schedule Correlation Project Management, Business & Finance
- Solution Composer
- Stratocumulus (cloud formation) Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Soft Cover Media
- Service Continuity 5G Networks
- Semi-Circle
- Service Ceiling The height above sea level at which an aircraft with normal rated load is unable to climb faster than 100' per minute under Standard Air conditions. Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Scrotal Circumference Medical, Genetics, Bull
- Specialty Chnmicals Business, Chemistry, Company
- Service Charge Service charge is the charge which is paid over and above the basic fee for delivering a service. NASA
- Sacrococcygeal Pertaining to both the sacrum and coccyx. Teratomas are often in the sacrococcygeal region in children. Medical, Physiology
- Security Commission Business, Employment, Malaysia
- Sport-Club Sport, Football, Match
- Set Nover
- Small-Ccp
- software change Software, Computing, Application
- State Campus College, Education, University
- Short-Chain Medical, Acid, Oligosaccharide
- Superior Court
- Sofia Coppola Bag, Leather, Handbag
- Steam Catamaran Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Square Connector (optical connector type) Architecture
- Signature Confirmation
- Seismic Calibration Electrical
- Subtropical Stratocumulus Atmospheric Research
- stop cock Engineering, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey
- Screening Criteria
- Standards Covered Book, Product, Edition, Standard
- South Carolina Legal, Governmental & Military, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code, State, Gpo, Scientific & Educational, Weather, Physics, South Carolina, List of All 50 State
- Status Credit Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
- Solid Carbide Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Santiago Canyon
- SCRAPER Vehicle Body Styles
- University of South Carolina Education, University, United States, South Carolina, Scientific & Educational
- Specialist in Chemistry Medical, Computing, Degree, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational
- Safety Car
- Statutes of Canada Canada
- Senior Cycle Food
- Sculpsit (Carved by ....) Products
- Supervisory Control
- Sports Coupe (car) Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Supplier (Supply) Chain Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Solution Combustvon Science, Research, Material
- Scalar Coupling Spectroscopy, Scientific & Educational
- Somatosensory Cortex Medical
- Saddle Club Media
- Saratoga County Business, Building, Sale
- Stem Cells
- Semantic Component Technology, Language, Linguistic
- Single Carrier Computing, Wireless Networking
- Screw Conveyors Business, Model, Manufacturer
- Specialty Certificave Medical, Medicine, Education, University
- Service Control Technology, Network, Telecom, Data Transfer, Computing, Dos commands
- straight cane Medical, Physical Therapy
- Security Commvttee Government, House, Homeland
- Spore Count
- Seticomplement
- Sludge Cleanec
- SpeechCraft (Toastmasters) Toastmasters
- State Camp Park, Locations, Camping
- Skdium Cromoglycate Medical
- Standard Class Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Solid Core Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Signature Cinema Technology, Projector, Theater
- Senior Courser Dog Fanciers
- Subcontract To hire someone to carry out some of the work that you have been contracted to do. Military, Governmental & Military
- Scrub As a verb, to wash the hands and forearms very thoroughly, as before engaging in surgery. To scrub implies the use of a brush. To scrub, to scrub in, and to scrub up are synonymous. Ordnance Survey
- Speed Controller
- Standards Committees Group, Organizations, Committee
- Section Chief Fire, Governmental & Military
- Securities Commission Banking, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Stem Clearance Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Santee Cooper Business, Locations
- Study Coordinator Fda
- Shell Transportation & Trading, PLC Computing, Nyse symbols
- Special Committees Government, Committee, Standard
- Short Circuit An electric contact between parts of an electric circuit, which causes a very high current, increases in temperature and potentially ire, if the circuit is not properly protected. This can occur if two live wires come into contact with each other, perhaps because of worn insulation. Medical, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Short Circuitinu
- Safe Concentration Medical
- Star of Courage Australia
- Sedanca Cabriolet Food
- Super Carrera Products
- Sulfur Concrete
- Single Check Security, Governmental & Military
- Science Comes from the Latin word ‘scientia’, meaning “knowledge” Medical, Chemistry, Management, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, NASA
- Solutle Complex Medical, Medicine, Healing
- School Certificate Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Somatic Complaints Medical, Psychology, Personality
- Senatus Consulto Latin
- Sarasota County
- Security Check NATO
- Seller Closing
- Switching Center Computing, Telecom, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Screw Conveyor The Screw Conveyor (SC) is used to transport and/or dispense the bulk material by rotation of a screw. Business, Product, Manufacturer
- Statistics and Computing Technology, Science, Journal, Computing, Periodical, Computer Science, Mathematical Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Scalenus Medical, Muscles
- Spontaneous Contractions Medical
- Stabilisation Ceetres
- Setkclock
- Slow Cooker Recipe, Cooker, Pot, Crock
- Sisters of Calvary Religious orders
- Spiral to Curve Headway
- State, Claflin College, Education, University
- Sodium Chohate Medical
- Scored Cylinders Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Sperm Count Medical, Infertility
- Shoppers Drug Mart Corporation (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Signqlling Controller Technology, Electronics, Signal
- Single Crochet Knitting, Crochet
- Seychelles (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SC stand for?
SC stands for Series Capabilities.
What is the shortened form of Star Clusters?
The short form of "Star Clusters" is SC.
SC. (2022, April 22). Retrieved February 26, 2025 from
Last updated