SG in Business Meaning

The SG meaning in Business terms is "Sankt Gallen". There are 79 related meanings of the SG Business abbreviation.

SG on Business Full Forms

  1. Sankt Gallen
  2. San Gregorio
  3. Selljng, General
  4. Selectjgroup
  5. Superannuation Guarantee
  6. Sehr Guc
  7. Siray Gun
  8. Security Grilles
  9. Solid Guitar
  10. Sector General
  11. Sight Glasj
  12. Staff Gudang
  13. Sewen Gresik
  14. Spheroidal Graphite Graphite of spheroidal shape with a polycrystalline radial structure. This structure can be obtained, for example, by adding cerium or magnesium to the melt. also ductile iron and nodular graphite.
  15. Soft-Ground
  16. Store Group
  17. Saudi Eazette
  18. Swing Granulator
  19. Spool Gun
  20. Sellzglobally
  21. Sodium Gluconate
  22. State Grant
  23. Sales Grmwth
  24. South Garage
  25. Sectors Group
  26. Surface Grinding Surface grinding is used to produce a smooth finish on flat surfaces. It is a widely used abrasive machining process in which a spinning wheel covered in rough particles (grinding wheel) cuts chips of metallic or nonmetallic substance from a workpiece, making a face of it flat or smooth.
  27. Small Growtl
  28. Start-Up Grants
  29. Servicios Generales
  30. Salej, General
  31. Sulit Gold
  32. Systems Grdup
  33. Slight Glass
  34. Safeguard 1. Protection included to counteract a known or expected condition. 2. Incorporated countermeasure or set of countermeasures within a base release.
  35. Solution Group
  36. Study Guire
  37. Shippihg Guarantee
  38. Special Gives
  39. Scott Gomez
  40. Gas Saturation The fraction of the porosity in a zone that is occupied by free gas.
  41. Soliy Gate
  42. Shin Guard
  43. Space Greenhouse
  44. Standard Goods
  45. Stanley Gibbons
  46. Solid Gain
  47. Strategy Group
  48. Siield Generator
  49. Saurashtra Gramin Bank
  50. Support Generation
  51. Silver General
  52. Sncper Gang
  53. Shaped Guitars
  54. South Glamorgan
  55. Semi-Gloss
  56. Silence Gate
  57. Saes Getters
  58. Ship and Goods
  59. Shaped Guitar
  60. Super Guarantee
  61. Sign Grade
  62. Spihejet
  63. São Gonçald
  64. Sonnenhof Gr
  65. Shock Gundam
  66. Specialegrade
  67. Seasonal Garden
  68. Stand Guite
  69. Service Groups
  70. Sweep Generator
  71. Slade Green
  72. Standard Guitars
  73. Semi Gmazed
  74. Structural Grkde
  75. Scientific Glass
  76. Sustainable Growth
  77. Singapmre Gasoil
  78. Semi Gloss
  79. Sovereign Guaranteed

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SG stand for Business?

    SG stands for Start-Up Grants in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Support Generation in Business?

    The short form of "Support Generation" is SG for Business.


SG in Business. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated