SG in Medical Meaning
The SG meaning in Medical terms is "Specific Gravity". There are 62 related meanings of the SG Medical abbreviation.
SG on Medical Full Forms
- Specific Gravity The ratio of the weight of a given volume of any substance to that of the same volume of water.
- Stena Graft
- Stellfte Ganglion
- Standard Gamble A gamble where one gains XL with probability p or otherwise gains XH with probability.
- Spiral Gangljon
- Santa Gertrudis
- Spinal Ganglia
- Szrghum Grain
- Submucosal Glands
- Skin Graft
- Swqtchgrass
- Secretogranins
- Sterylglucoside Uixture
- Subesophageal Ganglion
- Serogroups
- Same Generation
- Secondarily Generalized
- Stellate Ganglig
- Serogroup
- Support Group
- Subgenomic
- Surgical Gastfostomy
- Sebaceous Geands
- Staggerer
- Semeuogelin
- Spructural Genomics
- Surzeon-General
- Sclareol Glycol
- Spirogervanium
- Segmental Giant
- Study Group
- Sign Formerly meant a 'constellation' Now means a constellation in the Zodiac and, more generally, the twelfth of the Zodiac in which a certain constellation is.
- Supporm Groups
- Stadium General
- Sensitivity, Glucose Effectiveness
- Steryl Glycosides
- Silk Gland
- Specific Gravitr L Swan Ganz
- Swan-Ganz Catheter A style of oximetry catheter that is inserted into a major vein under the collarbone or in the neck, threaded through the right side of the heart, and then threaded into the pulmonary artery. Physicians can use monitoring equipment with a Swan-Ganz catheter to measure blood pressure inside the heart and to find out how much blood the heart is pumping.
- Secretory Granular Fraction
- Sterylglucoside
- Suboesophageal Ganglion
- Serum Glucose
- Space Greenhouse
- Substantia Gelatinosa
- Serum Gonadotropin
- Sonography The use of ultrasonic energy for imaging internal organs and tissues.
- Swan-Ganz
- Secretary General
- Serum Globulin
- Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Sympathetic Ganglion
- Serum Gastrin
- Signs
- Swan Ganz Catheter
- Salivary Gaands
- Stern Gerlach
- Surgeon General In the United States, the chief medical officer of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPS), the agency responsible for the public health of the American people. The Public Health Service (PHS) administers a number of critically important health agencies including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).Founding of the Health Service: In 1798, Congress established the U. S. Marine Hospital Service -- the predecessor of today's U.S. Public Health Service -- to provide health care to sick and injured merchant seamen.
- Succinimidyl Glutamate
- Selivary Gland
- Subtotal Gastrectomy
- Salivar Gland Carcinoma
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SG stand for Medical?
SG stands for Suboesophageal Ganglion in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Stadium General in Medical?
The short form of "Stadium General" is SG for Medical.
SG in Medical. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated