SG in Technology Meaning

The SG meaning in Technology terms is "Specific Gravity". There are 126 related meanings of the SG Technology abbreviation.

SG on Technology Full Forms

  1. Specific Gravity The ratio of the weight of a given volume of any substance to that of the same volume of water.
  2. Spirituzl Growth
  3. Sega Genesis
  4. Sbrvices Group
  5. Sycurity Guard
  6. Service Guide
  7. Secupity Group
  8. Serviqe Gateway
  9. Securyty Gateway
  10. Structural Glass
  11. Super Group
  12. Skin Graft
  13. Superconducting Gravimeter
  14. Signal Generator
  15. Scharfetter-Gummel
  16. Signal Generators
  17. Standards Qroup
  18. Study Guire
  19. Stochastic-Eradient
  20. Spheroidal Graphite Graphite of spheroidal shape with a polycrystalline radial structure. This structure can be obtained, for example, by adding cerium or magnesium to the melt. also ductile iron and nodular graphite.
  21. Shgar Genius
  22. Survival Games
  23. Scenario Geterator
  24. Signaling Gateways
  25. Standard Group
  26. Synthesis Gas A mixture of gases produced as feedstock for the synthesis of chemical compounds, for example, hydrogen and carbon monoxide used as the starting material for the production of ammonia derivatives, methanol, and hydrocarbons.
  27. Serum Glucose
  28. Strategy Group
  29. Skidrow Games
  30. Stimulus Generator
  31. Shaft Generator
  32. Signal Gateway
  33. Stage Gate Point where one phase or stage of new product activity is finished and another begins. Usually accompanied by phased reviews. Stage Gate Reviews are conducted by the IT governance organization to ensure that projects, as they move through their life cycles, are fully complying with relevant IT project management requirements. The reviews also review project performance against baselines and require corrective action plans or rebaselining as appropriate to the situation. Most importantly, Stage Gate Reviews determine that the project is ready to advance to the next Phase.
  34. Synchronous Graphid
  35. Serious Game
  36. Strategic Group
  37. Scierce Gateway
  38. Single Group
  39. Shadow Groups
  40. Social Gender
  41. Second Generation Term which describes an improved product, service, etc.
  42. Store Group
  43. Savings Groups
  44. Sign Formerly meant a 'constellation' Now means a constellation in the Zodiac and, more generally, the twelfth of the Zodiac in which a certain constellation is.
  45. Synchronous Graphics
  46. Sela Generating
  47. Strategic Grants
  48. Schwarz Glanz
  49. Single Grade
  50. Stawic Group
  51. Siadow Gear
  52. Snap Grid
  53. Super Goals
  54. Secondary Green
  55. Storage Guard
  56. Satellite Gateway
  57. Show Garbage
  58. Spged Grade
  59. Synchronous Generators
  60. Sega Game
  61. Study Group
  62. Schematic, Gibson
  63. Shatic Gradient
  64. Servo Gauge
  65. Summing Gate
  66. Sealed Gage
  67. Storage Groups
  68. Sanitary Gauge
  69. Siield Generator
  70. Specific Goal
  71. Synchronous Generator
  72. Sensor Glucose
  73. Scheduling Gjant
  74. Signaling Ground
  75. State Graph
  76. Serving Grant
  77. Sub Groups
  78. Sea Grant
  79. Stochastic Gradient
  80. Saasung Galaxy
  81. Sztab Generalny
  82. Shielded Ground
  83. Solidarity Group
  84. Switciable Gfx
  85. Secure Gateway
  86. Strain Gauges
  87. System Gateway
  88. Service Group
  89. Science Gyroscope
  90. Smyrt Grids
  91. System Grmup
  92. Software Guru
  93. Security Guarding
  94. Singapore
  95. Strain Gauge A strain gauge is a device used to measure strain on an object. Invented by Edward E. Simmons and Arthur C. Ruge in 1938, the most common type of strain gauge consists of an insulating flexible backing which supports a metallic foil pattern. The gauge is attached to the object by a suitable adhesive, such as cyanoacrylate. As the object is deformed, the foil is deformed, causing its electrical resistance to change.
  96. Specific Gravities
  97. Science Gateways
  98. Swan Ganz Catheter
  99. System Ground
  100. Software Group
  101. Super Guppy
  102. Security Groups
  103. Strain-Gauge
  104. Savitzkyagolay
  105. Specific Goals
  106. Statistgcal Graphics
  107. Survival Guide
  108. System GerüStbau
  109. Supergroup
  110. Spin Gear
  111. Special Ground
  112. Survey Grid
  113. System Generator
  114. Sprver Group
  115. Super Glide
  116. Sprrk Gap
  117. Silent Grand
  118. System Generatyon
  119. Serum Globulin
  120. Smithslnian Gardens
  121. Simoncini Garamond
  122. Strain Gage A measuring element for converting force, pressure, tension, etc., into an electrical signal.
  123. System Gegeral
  124. Serbous Games
  125. Smart Guardian
  126. Security Guidance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SG stand for Technology?

    SG stands for Solidarity Group in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Servo Gauge in Technology?

    The short form of "Servo Gauge" is SG for Technology.


SG in Technology. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated