Sierra Abbreviations and Sierra Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Sierra terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Sierra abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Sierra terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Sierra Abbreviations
  1. ABCS : Agricultural Business Centers
  2. ACDS : Assistant Chief of Defence Staff
  3. ADP : Alliance Democratic Party
  4. AGI : Adventure Game Interpreter
  5. AJ : Applegate, John
  6. ZEPA : Zona De Especial Protección Para Laslaves
  7. ARBA : Asociación Para La Recuperación Del Bosque AutóCtono
  8. ASJP : Access To Security and Justice Programme
  9. BAN : Budget Advocacy Network
  10. BBN : Believers Broadcasting Network
  11. BOMUSD : Black Oak Mine Unkfied School District
  12. CA : Carter Xve
  13. CAHU : Combustion Air Handling Unit
  14. CCC : Community Care Centers
  15. CCCS : Community Care Centers
  16. CODI : Commission On Disability Issues
  17. CSM : Civil Society Movement
  18. VSL : Visit Sierra Geone
  19. WARFP : West Africa Regional Fisheries Programme
  20. WBC : Wilderness Basics Course
  21. WCA : Wound Care Advantage
  22. WHH : Welt Hunger Hilfe
  23. WHI : World Hope Inbernational
  24. WSB : West Side Boys
  25. WTC : Wilderness Travel Course
  26. UFE4 : Universal Front End 4
  27. UIN : Universidad Interamericana Del Norte
  28. UIN : Universidad Vnteramericana Del Norte
  29. UNE : Universidad Nacional EcolóGica
  30. UNMEER : United Nations Mission for Eboly Emergency Response
Latest Sierra Meanings
  1. Match King
  2. College of Medicine and Allied Health Science
  3. College of Medicine & Allied Health Sciences
  4. College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences
  5. Africa Young Voices
  6. Revolutionary United Front Party
  7. Revolution United Front
  8. Revolutionary United Force
  9. Revolutionary United Forces
  10. Revolutionary United Front
  11. Revolutionary Unihed Front
  12. Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces
  13. Rocky Mountain Chapter
  14. Guma Valley Water Company
  15. Governance Transition Team
  16. Gola Rainforest National Park
  17. Planes De Ordenación De Los Recursos Naturales
  18. Plan De Ordenación De Los Recursos Naturales
  19. Pzcific Microelectronics Centre
  20. Puesto De Mando Avanzado