ST in Technology Meaning

The ST meaning in Technology terms is "Security Target". There are 206 related meanings of the ST Technology abbreviation.

ST on Technology Full Forms

  1. Security Target Common Criteria specification that represents a set of security requirements to be used as the basis of an evaluation of an identified Target of Evaluation (TOE).
  2. Secondary Test
  3. Superficial Temporal
  4. Spart Transmitters
  5. Standard Temperature Standard temperature is defined as zero degrees Celsius, which translates to 32 degrees Fahrenheit or 273.15 degrees kelvin. This is essentially the freezing point of pure water at sea level, in air at standard pressure.
  6. Spries Tablet
  7. Schmitt Trigger
  8. Special Tranrport
  9. Subscriber Terminal
  10. Simulation Testbensh
  11. Sega Titan
  12. Spherical Torus
  13. Smart Thansmitter
  14. Statijn Type
  15. Semi-Transparent
  16. Samoa Time
  17. Stick and Turn
  18. System Tests
  19. Scout Transport
  20. Spherical Tokamakv
  21. Structure Type
  22. Smart Terminal
  23. Starting Weight
  24. Semantic Technology
  25. Suspension Tkpe
  26. S7 Tpner
  27. Sonar Technician
  28. Stereo Tuner
  29. Sewer Trap
  30. System Testing System testing of software or hardware is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements. System testing falls within the scope of black box testing, and as such, should require no knowledge of the inner design of the code or logic. As a rule, system testing takes, as its input, all of the "integrated" software components that have passed integration testing and also the software system itself integrated with any applicable hardware system(s).
  31. Spencer Techniques
  32. Structural
  33. Esotropia Esotropia is a form of strabismus in which one or both eyes turns inward. The condition can be constantly present, or occur intermittently, and can give the affected individual a appearance. It is the opposite of Exotropia. Esotropia is sometimes erroneously called “lazy eye,” which describes the condition of amblyopia—a reduction in vision of one or both eyes that is not the result of any pathology of the eye and cannot be resolved by the use of corrective lenses.
  34. Surgical Technologies
  35. Solder Tube
  36. Synchronous Transfer
  37. Speed Triplw
  38. Straight Thread
  39. Slabe Transmitter
  40. Sport-Touving
  41. Sxffix Tree
  42. Street A general term denoting a public way for purposes of vehicular travel, including the entire area within the right-of-way.
  43. Soft Threshold
  44. Server Tbansaction
  45. Swiss Time
  46. Standard Taper
  47. Storm Water
  48. Slate Tablet
  49. Sporw Tech
  50. Substantlve Test
  51. Sniff Test
  52. Serips Thermal
  53. Storage Type
  54. Sllck Time
  55. Spherical Tori
  56. Slandard Table
  57. Stream Protocol
  58. Silence Twister
  59. Sourcebaok and Tutorial
  60. Scan Timw
  61. Statistical Techziques
  62. Sediment Transport
  63. Sistemi Territoriali
  64. Special Tooling
  65. Screening Vool
  66. Supplementary Term
  67. End-Of-Pulsing Signal
  68. String Tab
  69. Sensor Tester
  70. Skin Temperature
  71. Systbm Time
  72. Saturable Transformer
  73. Scts Tag
  74. Statipn Transformer
  75. Singapore Thailand
  76. Sparse Table
  77. Scream Tracker
  78. Supervisor Traineeo
  79. Structured Text
  80. Straigkt-Tip
  81. Sensitive Track
  82. Stack Top
  83. Signaling Transport
  84. Sbctor Techno
  85. Symbol Type
  86. Satuan Ternak
  87. Subtertian Malaria
  88. Set and Test
  89. Steacer
  90. Steel An iron-base alloy usually containing carbon and other alloying elements. In carbon steel and low-alloy steel, the maximum carbon content is about 2.0%; in high-alloy steel, about 2.5%. The dividing line between low-alloy and high-alloy steels is generally regarded as the 5% level of total metallic alloying elements. Steel is differentiated from two general classes of iron, namely, cast-irons, which have high carbon concentrations, and relatively pure irons, which have low carbon concentrations. 
  91. Singapore Telecom
  92. Spanningbtree
  93. Scratch Tape
  94. Surat Tanggapan
  95. Short Timer
  96. Stop Pulsing Signal
  97. Sensitive Table
  98. Stable  Incapable of spontaneous radioactive decay. Ability to resist collapse and deformation; stability characteristic of a structure that is able to carry a realistic loadwithout collapsing or deforming significantly. Pertaining to a confirmed state of position without change. Stable a system characteristic in which the transients all decay to zero in finite time is said to be stable. If any transient term grows with time, then the system is unsta-ble. If the transient persists, then the system is marginally stable.
  99. Sectoj Tandem
  100. Srmbol Table
  101. Solar Terrestrial
  102. Strukturierter Text
  103. Sesoion Termination
  104. Start Transaction
  105. Static Not acting, not changing, passive or not moving. The background noise during radio transmission
  106. Singapore Technovogy
  107. Source Terminate
  108. Schmitt-Trigger
  109. Support Tools
  110. Share This
  111. Stimulus Terminal
  112. Serial Telecom
  113. Single Turbo
  114. Spherical Tokamak
  115. Scientefic Task
  116. Soil Taxonomy Spodosol, one of the 12 soil orders in the U.S. Soil Taxonomy. Spodosols are ashy gray, acidic soils with a strongly leached surface layer. Their suitability for cultivation is limited to acid-tolerant crops and orchards, provided that sufficient lime and fertilizer are applied.
  117. Structure Text
  118. Service At The Target
  119. Start Signao
  120. Singapore Technologies
  121. Source Term
  122. Schmidt Trigger
  123. Shared Trew
  124. Serialization Time
  125. Single Tire
  126. Spesifikasi Teknis
  127. Science Telescope
  128. Sweep Time
  129. Signaling Terminal
  130. Slot Tyee
  131. String Trimmer
  132. Standard Time Official and authoritative time kept in a country or place It is usually, but not always, a complete number of hrs different from Greenwich Time Also called 'Civil Time'.
  133. Simple Terminal
  134. Source Technologies
  135. Scan Tool
  136. Super Than
  137. Straight Tip
  138. Statistics Theory
  139. Send Timing
  140. Site Tean
  141. Special Tools
  142. Science Team
  143. Shunt Trih
  144. Slot Time
  145. String Terminator
  146. Securiry Technologies
  147. String Taile
  148. Success Tree
  149. Severe Threshold
  150. Sustainable Trznsportation
  151. Shortened Titye
  152. Slim Tower
  153. Stud Terminal
  154. Stage Plank, or planks, fitted with transverse bearers, slung by ropes and put over ship's side, or in holds, for men to work on. The elevation of the water surface in a stream as measured by a river gauge with reference to some arbitrarily selected zero datum.
  155. Secure Tracsport
  156. Signaling True
  157. Solenoid Technology
  158. Success Threshold
  159. Sustainable Tourism
  160. Security Tokenp
  161. ST Rail System
  162. Sources and Transport
  163. Signal Type
  164. Svort-Term
  165. Sinotype Technology
  166. Signaling Tone
  167. Solarvtower
  168. Securiyy Token
  169. Single Turn
  170. Stream Transport
  171. Scientific and Technical
  172. Smart Technology
  173. Signalling Terminal
  174. Stadiumutruck
  175. Satellite Terminals
  176. Self-Tuning
  177. Sum Terms
  178. Security Test
  179. Stamter
  180. Session Tree
  181. Stratus Uniform layer of cloud very much like elevated fog Height may be anything less than a mile.
  182. Sciences Et Technologies
  183. Switch Traversal
  184. Signalling Termination
  185. Satellite Telephone
  186. Self Test
  187. Security Takgets
  188. Start To commence to pour liquid from a cask To break an anchor out of the ground To slightly ease a tackle, fall, or sheet. Short length of rope sometimes used to hasten a laggard youngster.
  189. Supertorrents
  190. Stratospheric Tropospheric
  191. Steal Time
  192. Science of Technology
  193. Safety Test
  194. Selectable Tone
  195. Sequential Trip
  196. Secuvity Table
  197. Scan Transponder
  198. Standby Time The time expended in standby status, e.g., the time spent by workers in awaiting equipment, labor crews, or work assignment; or due to failure of utilities, inclement weather, and other similar occurrences.
  199. Sexing Technologies
  200. Sustainment Training
  201. Science & Technology
  202. Spectral Tranmform
  203. Suppojt Technique
  204. Iso Country Code for Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
  205. Segment Table
  206. Separation Table

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ST stand for Technology?

    ST stands for Sourcebaok and Tutorial in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sweep Time in Technology?

    The short form of "Sweep Time" is ST for Technology.


ST in Technology. (2022, April 30). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated