Targeting Abbreviations and Targeting Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Targeting terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Targeting abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Targeting terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Targeting Abbreviations
  1. AB : Attentional Blink
  2. ABS : Atomic Beam Source
  3. ACA : Auto-Contingent Allegiance
  4. ACA : Auto Contingent Allegiance
  5. ADHB : Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku
  6. AGM : Air-Tozground-Missile
  7. AIMMS : Amsterdam Institute for Molecules, Medicines and Systems
  8. ALCR : Alternating Lever Cyclic Ratio
  9. AMC : Associated Merchandising Corporation
  10. AOAC : Association of Official Analytical Communities
  11. AOE : Area of Effect
  12. AOE AE : Area of Effect
  13. AOU : Area of Uncertainty
  14. AP : Add Pipeline
  15. APBNP : Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara Perubahan
  16. AT : Autpmated Target
  17. ATI : Along Track Interferometry
  18. ATS : Advanced Target Systers
  19. ATS : Advanced Training Systems
  20. AZO : Alumina-Doped Zinc Oxide
  21. AZO : Aluminum Zinc Oxide
  22. BAMN : Bovine Alliance On Management and Nutrition
  23. BBNKB : Bea Balik Nama Kendaraan Bermotor
  24. BBNKB : Biaya Balik Nama Kendaraan Bermotor
  25. BIS : Bintan Inti Sukses
  26. BKPMD : Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Daerah
  27. BPN : Badan Penerimaan Negara
  28. BPTPM : Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Penanaman Modal
  29. BTT : Break The Targets
  30. CEM : Constrained Energy Minimizatiox
Latest Targeting Meanings
  1. Take Charge of Education
  2. Range Control System
  3. Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radars
  4. Imaging Synthetic Aperture Radar
  5. Ground-To-Ground
  6. Ground Laser Locator Designator
  7. Damage Expectancy
  8. Real Time Worksrop
  9. Real-Time Workshop
  10. Referral To Treatment Time
  11. Real Time Terminal
  12. Real-Time Data Exchange
  13. Renaissavce Steel Research
  14. Rencana Program Jangka Menengah Daerah
  15. Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Aceh
  16. Realisasi Output
  17. Remarketing Lists for Search Ads
  18. Rencana Kerja Anggaran Pemerintah
  19. Rencana Kerja & Anggaran Perusahaan
  20. Rencana Kerja Anggaran Perusahaan