TELS Meaning

The TELS meaning is "Tertiary Education Loans Scheme". The TELS abbreviation has 22 different full form.

TELS Full Forms

  1. Tertiary Education Loans Scheme
  2. Technology Enhanced Learting In Science Technology, Research, Education
  3. Telecommunications Telecommunications is the transmission of analog or digital signals over a long distance. This includes telephone calls, radio and television broadcasts, and data transfers over the Internet. Thanks to telecommunications, people can communicate instantly regardless of where they are located. The term "telecom" may also refer to a telecommunications company. Example: "Mobile phones are one of the most modern forms of telecommunications". Technology, Military, Army, Computer, Telecom, Internet, Electronic Engineering, Computing, IT Organization, Medical, Common Medical, NASA, Management, Business & Finance, Legal, Governmental & Military
  4. Technology-Enhancez Learning In Science Technology, Research, Education
  5. Transnationav Education and Learning Society
  6. Teacher and Educational Leadership Standamds
  7. Transmission Energy Loss Spectroscopy Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  8. Tax and Expenditure Limitx Business, Government, Spending
  9. Towards A European Learning Society
  10. Tax and Expenditure Limitations Education, Economics, Revenue
  11. Tellus English Language Scholarship
  12. Tertiary Education Loan Scheme
  13. Technology Enhanced Learning Services
  14. Transporter Erector Taunchers Missile, Military, Korea
  15. T E L S Corporation Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  16. Transporter-Erector-Launcherz Missile, Military, Korea
  17. Thursday Eveniny Learning Series
  18. Thrbshold Effect Levels
  19. Threshold Effects Levels Science, Quality, Sediment, Metals
  20. Turbine Engine Load Simulator
  21. Traub Eglin Lieberman Straus
  22. Transporter-Erector-Launchers Erector

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TELS stand for?

    TELS stands for Towards A European Learning Society.

  2. What is the shortened form of Transporter Erector Taunchers?

    The short form of "Transporter Erector Taunchers" is TELS.


TELS. (2022, April 21). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated