TFM Meaning
The TFM meaning is "Grupo Transportación Ferroviaeia Mexicana". The TFM abbreviation has 150 different full form.
TFM Full Forms
- Grupo Transportación Ferroviaeia Mexicana Organizations
- Testicular Fominized Medical
- Testicular Feminization Medical
- Tentative Final Monograph Medical, Product, Drug, Fda
- Tamed Frequtncy Modulation Technology, Signal, Telecom
- Total Frat Move Book, College, Education
- Teo Ferrer De Mesquita
- Kansas City Southern De Mexico Business, Mexico, Railway, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Time Frequency Multiplex Military
- Trade Finance Market
- Thermally Fused Melamine Business, Product, Laminate
- Tape File Managemfnt
- Transportation Fastening Materials Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Thai Foot Massage
- Tissue Freezing Medium
- Total Fluids Managkment
- Team Fort Monmouth Military
- True Football Manager Sport, Football, Game
- The Free Movement
- Todal's Facility Manager Technology, Management, Building
- Tenke Fungurume Mining Business, Congo, Cobalt
- Time-Frequency Multiplexing
- Traction Force Microscopy Science, Biology, Cell
- Thermal Fade Margin Technology
- Tank Farm Management Science, Farming & agriculture
- Transportacion Ferroviaria Mexicanna Business
- Testic Feminization Synd Medical, Technology
- Tips for Manufacturing
- Total Fluid Mayagement
- Team Flag Match Gaming, Team, Shot, Mercenary
- Traralgon Frequency Modulation
- The Freedom Machine
- Thanks From Me Internet Slang, Chat, Sound
- Temporary Financing Mechanism
- Trackside Functional Module Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Technologie FüR Metallbearbeitung
- TéLé Futurs MéDias Technology, Event, Gal, Senegal
- The Furniture Mall
- Taxk Farm Maintenance Science
- Transportacion Ferroviara Mexicana
- Testic Feminisation Synd Medical, Technology
- International Middle East Media Center Military, Israel, Palestinian
- Training for Mentor Technology, Award, Mentoring
- Total Flow Management Business, Production, Toyota
- Teak Furniture Manufacturer
- Transverse Friction Massage Medical, Medicine, Warmer
- The Facility Management
- Temporary Facility Modification
- Trabajos De Fin De MáSter
- Technicien Fabrication MéCanique Technology, Music, Radio
- Trusted Facilities Manual Technology, Security, Military
- The Fucking Machine
- Tamil Forum Malaysia
- Transmission Electron Microscopy The use of electron high-energy beams to achieve magnification close to atomic observation. Science, Medicine, Healthcare, Chemistry, Medical
- Terrestrial Facility Management
- Time for Money
- Traffic Flow Measurement
- Teaching Further Mathematics
- Transverse Flux Machine Technology, Electricity, Stator
- The Face Machine
- Totax Financial Management Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Templetuohy Farm Machinery
- Trabajos Fin De Master Para, Con, Fin
- Technical Fire Management
- Trusted Facility Manuals
- The Fucking Manual Internet Slang, Seduction, Sexual, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Transportacion Ferroviaria Mexicana Business, Mexico, Railway
- Transitional Funding Mechanism
- Terra Firma Management
- Time for Miracles
- Traditional Fire Management
- Teaching Formal Methods
- Transportes Ferroviarios De Madrid Technology, Madrid, Metro
- Theater Frequency Management Military
- Today'S Favourite Music Media, Radio, Television
- Trabajo Fin Master
- Technisches Facility Management Business, Tech, Vid
- Trusted Kacility Manual Technology, Military, Army
- The Friendly Manual
- Trafficfflow Management Technology, Military, Flight
- Terra Ferro Mexicana
- Time Frequency Multiplexing
- Trade Funds Management Business, Development, Manager
- Thermo-Fused Melamine
- Target Framework Monikers
- Transporte Ferroviario Mexicano
- Theater Figuren Museum
- Titanium Fiber Mesh Medical
- Total Fluid Movement Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Technical Facility Management Business, Service, Manager
- Trumpft of Faith Ministries
- The Fresh Market Business, Supply, Stock
- Transfer Mode Space, Study, Cosmos
- Technology Facilitation Mechanism Development, Organizations, Agenda
- Target Framework Moniker
- Tagged Font Metric file Computing, File Extensions
- Transaction Fulfillment Mechanism
- Telefomin Airport Telefomin, Papua New Guinea Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
- Three Fruit Marmalade
- Thompson Family Magazine
- Telefomin Airport, Telefomin, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Papua New Guinea
- Transfer Message Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Télé Formaticn Mathématiques
- Technologie F
- TéLéVision Futurs Medias Vision, Gal
- Tube Filling Machine Products
- Transaction Flow Manager
- Telecom Financial Management
- Three Factor Model Business, Risk, Dopamine
- Thin Film Magnetism
- Twenty Four Mini Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Transfer Function Model Technology, Journal, Tool
- Tyson Fresh Meats Railroad Company
- Tijdschrift Financieel Management
- Tamil Film Music Performing arts
- Teh Fong Min
- Thin-Film Memory
- Thin Film Membrane
- Traffic Flow Management Transportation, Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Transfer Function Method Technology, Load, Cooling, Calculation
- Two Fluid Modea
- Tights for Men
- Total Fatty Matter Medical, Chemistry, Food, Physiology, Scientific & Educational
- Tees Frequency Modulation
- Theoretical Fracture Mechanics
- Thin-Film Membrane Science
- Trusted Facility Manual Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- Transfer-Prohibited and Transfer-Allowed Messages Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Two-Fluid Model Flow, Gas, Fluid
- Through Faith Missions
- TaskForceMajella Research Project Electrical
- Technology for Marketing Business, Technology, Advertising
- The Fund Master Business, Insurance, Mortgage, Refinance
- Thickened Flame Model
- The Fine Manual Software, Computing
- Transaction Flow Monitor
- Telefon-Fax-Modem
- Twias File Merger
- Three-Factor Model Business, Risk, Dopamine
- Total Form Machining
- Trans Forming Media Media, Transgender, Wallpaper, Bullying
- Texas Freedom Network Organizations, Networking, Texas, Religion
- Technology Financial Management
- Temporary Financial Mechanism Business, Council, Libya
- TeX Font Metric Software, Computing
- Transaction Fulfilment Mechanism
- Telefon-Fax-Modem-Umschalter
- Twenty Fotr Mini Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Thorpe Farm Machinery
- Tex Font Metric File Computing, File Extensions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TFM stand for?
TFM stands for Training for Mentor.
What is the shortened form of Time-Frequency Multiplexing?
The short form of "Time-Frequency Multiplexing" is TFM.
TFM. (2022, January 23). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from
Last updated