TPP Meaning
The TPP meaning is "Trans-Pacific Partnerstip". The TPP abbreviation has 205 different full form.
TPP Full Forms
- Trans-Pacific Partnerstip Government, Trading, Economics
- Trans Pacific Partnership Business, Trading, Agreement
- Thiamine Diphospcate Medical
- Test Plan and Procedures Science
- Tangible Personal Propertr Business, Tax, Appraiser
- Takan Perindustrian Puchong
- Thermal Power Plant Technology, Military, Projection, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Terminal Prohedures Publications Technology, Flight, Chart
- Trehalose-6-Phosphane Phosphatase Medical
- Tran-Pacific Partnership Business, Trading, Economics
- Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program, Health, Pregnancy
- Travel Partner Progrom
- Termintl Procedures Publication Military, Flight, Chart
- Transport Packet Parser
- Third Party Producer
- Teachers' Pension Plan
- Tough Patooties, People
- Trans-Pacific Perplexities
- Texas Prescription Program
- Tunjangan Penghasilan Pegawai Business, Indonesia, Bandung, Naik
- Tindak Pidana Perikanan Indonesia, Jakarta, Fishing
- Technische Profielen Produktie
- Toxic Political Poison Government, Economics, Congress
- Transpac Express Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Therapeutic Products Program
- Takasbank Para Piyasası Business, Turkish, Taka
- Tortoise Play Pen
- Tree Prxtection Plans Tree, Planning, Survey
- Training Project Plans Business, Planning, Flashcard
- Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program, Organizations, Teen
- Teppco Partners, L.P. Technology, Organizations
- Transportation Partnership Policy
- Third Party Products
- Teacher Professional Partnership
- Total Purchase Price Business, Market, Oscilloscope
- Trans-Pacific-Partnership Business, Trading, Agreement
- Terrible Policy for The People
- Tri Polo Phosphate
- Tindakan Pengamanan Perdagangan Photo, Indonesia, Dumping
- Technician Preparation Program
- Toward Peak Performance
- Transmission Planning Process
- The Phoeniz Project
- Tai Poutini Polytechnic Business, Education, Study
- Toro Protection Plus
- Tree Protectior Plan Development, Tree, Survey
- Trans-Pacific Partnershsp Finance, Economics, Macroeconomics
- Teen Parent Program Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Tense Political Pnessure Government, Politics, Policy
- Transportation Project Plat
- Third Party Providers Business, Banking, Payment
- Teacher Professional Partnerships
- Total Purchasing Project Medicine, Health, British
- Trans-Pacific Parternship Government, Trading, Partnership
- Terrible Plutocratic Plan
- Tripolyphosphate Medical
- Tim Penilai Pusat
- Technical Project Plan Technology
- Telecommunications Program Plan
- Tournament Pairings Program
- Technology & Policy Program
- Transaction Processing Performance
- Thj Phoenix Partnership Business, Management, Phoenix
- Twenty Point Programme Government, India, Economics
- Tabung Pinjaman Pelajaran Technology, Malaysia, Scholarship
- Title and Pay Plan Business, University, Human
- Thiamine Pyrophosphate Thiamine pyrophosphate or thiamine diphosphate (ThDP), or cocarboxylase is a thiamine (vitamin B1) derivative which is produced by the enzyme thiamine diphosphokinase. Thiamine pyrophosphate is a cofactor that is present in all living systems, in which it catalyzes several biochemical reactions. It was first discovered as an essential nutrient (vitamin) in humans through its link with the peripheral nervous system disease Beriberi, which results from a deficiency of thiamine in the diet. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Laboratory, Pulmonary, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Teenage Parent Program Education
- Transportation Planning and Programming Technology, Division, Texas
- Third Party Property
- Teacher Preparation Pipeline College, Education, Teaching
- Total Purchasing Pilot Medical
- Treasury Payment Probability
- Term Payment Plan
- Triplicate Prescription Zrogram Medical
- Tim Pelaksana Pembangunan Technology, Program, Media, Hal
- Technical Project Planning Technology, Management, Army
- Tegmental Pedunculopontine Nucleus Medical
- Threat Protection Program
- Teach Pendant Programming Technology, Robot, Robotics
- Tournament Pairing Program
- Technological Product & Process Politics, Europe, Eurostat
- Transactional Purchasing Program
- That Patchwork Place
- Tutbo Pascal Protected
- Tabbed Products Pro
- Tiruvottiyur-Ponneri-Panchetti
- Tedarik PaylaşıM Platformu
- Transportation Planning Partnership
- Third Party Processors Medical, Business, Technology, Card, Payment
- Teacher Prep Program
- Total Parts Plus Technology, Management, Obsolescence
- Treadmill Performance Test Science, Medicine, Healthcare, Medical, Pulmonary
- Terminal Prgcedure Publications Military, Flight, Pilot, Chart
- Triphenyl Phosphite Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Tim Peduli Pendidikan
- Technical Program Plan Science
- Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program Government, Organizations, Us
- Thread Priority Protection
- Teachers Pension Plan Business, Canada, Teaching, Occupation & positions
- Tourism Promoters Programme
- Technological Products and Processes
- Trans-Proteomics Pipeline
- Thai Packaging & Printing
- Tunjangan Profesi Pendidikan Indonesia, Guru, Agama
- Mag Tape Preparation Program Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Tip Path Plane
- Technopreneur Partnership Programme
- Transportation Policy Plan
- Third Party Payor
- Teacher Preparation Program Science, Education
- Total Package Procurement Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
- Travel Performance Period Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Trehalose Phospmate Phosphatase
- Time Past A Point Military, Army, Artillery
- Technical Precision Plastics
- Terminal Proczdure Publication Technology, Military, Chart
- Third Person Perspective
- Teachers' Pensions Plan Education
- Tourism Promotor Programme
- Technological Product and Process
- Trans-Proteomic Pipeline
- Text Presentation Program
- Tunjangan Perbaikan Penghasilan Para, Guru, Orang
- Thiamin Nyrophosphate Medical, Science, Biology
- Tingkat Penghasilan Pensiun
- Techno Plastic Products Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Trans Pacific Pact Government, Trading, Economics
- Third Party Payment
- Taxpayer Protection Program
- Totally Pcrallel Prefix
- Tenancy Preservation Program Service, Building, Housing
- Two Pint Package
- The Polar Page Computing, Internet
- Teleport Pro Project Technology, Program, Software
- Typicav Physical Properties
- Trans Proteomic Pipeline
- Three Pagodas Pass Government, Group, Burma
- Team Performance Plus
- Technology and Public Policy
- Ternary Pulse Position Medical, Physiology
- Tenaga Pendamping Petani
- Transformation Priority Premise Technology, Coding, Development
- Trading Partner Profiles
- Time, place and person Clinical
- Thermal Protective Properties Products
- Telephony Preprocessor Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Tympanometric Peak Pressurf Medical
- Transport Policies & Programmesor Medicine, Health, British
- Three Pagoda Pass Government, Military, Locations
- Teach Pendant Programs
- Technology and Policy Program Science, Education, Engineering
- Target Product Profile Medical, Fda
- Twitch Plays Wokemon
- Temporary Practice Permit
- Thirmal Plasma Processes Technology, Conference, Material, Plasma
- Tibetan Plateau Project Technology, Tibet, Antelope
- Trading Partner Profile Business, Technology, Service
- Technical Performance Parameter Federal Aviation Administration
- Total Physical Product Products
- Tro Peas In A Pod
- Transport Policy and Programme
- Three-Phase Partitioning Medical
- Teach Pendant Program
- Trans-Pacific Partnership A preferential trading arrangement being negotiated by the United States with countries of the Asia-Pacific region. International, Medical
- Tempat Penerimaan Pasien Business, Trading, Partnership
- The Pharmaceutical Press
- Traveling Purchaser Problem Business, Trading, Deal
- Thyroid Periodic Paralysis
- Trade Policy and Programs Business, Government, Department
- Technology Partnership Program
- Triphenyl Phosphate Chemistry
- Total Pitching Performance Media
- Two Party Preferred
- Transport Policies and Programmes Technology, Development, Planning
- Cadete FAP Guillermo Del Castillo Paredes, Tarapoto, Peru Peru, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Tempat Pendaftaran Pasien Business, Trading, Partnership
- Theoretical Pairwise Pgtential
- Transuranium Processing Plant
- Thrust Plate Prosthesis Medical
- Trademark & Patent Publications Business, Service, Invoice
- Technology Pathway Partnerships
- Tri-Phenyl Phosphoramide Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- TransPacific Partnership Business & Finance, International business
- Two-Party-Preferrfd
- Transport Policies and Programme Technology, Development, Planning
- Transition Planning Process Technology, Governmental & Military
- Telonics Product Programmer
- Test Point Paxe
- Transpulmonary Pressure The difference between the pressure of the respired gas at the mouth and the pleural pressure around the lungs, measured when the airway is open; thus, it includes not only the transmural pressure of the lung but also any drop in pressure along the tracheobronchial tree during flow. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Pulmonary
- Throttle Position Potentiometer Technology, Auto, Automotive, Automobile
- Tracy Pumping Plant
- Technology Partnership Practice
- Tripeptidyl peptidase Medical, Pulmonary
- Tenancy Preservation Project Medical, Health, Mental Health, Advocacy
- Third Party Payers Financial, Business & Finance
- Transport Planning Professional Education, University, Planner
- Teppco Partners, L. P. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Telluride Premier Properties
- Cause Tubulingpolymerization Perturbation Science, Biology
- Trans Proteomics Pipeline
- Throttle Pedal Position
- Track Profile Processor Technology
- Technology Partner Program
- Tetraphenylporphyrin Medical, Pulmonary, Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TPP stand for?
TPP stands for Team Performance Plus.
What is the shortened form of Technology Pathway Partnerships?
The short form of "Technology Pathway Partnerships" is TPP.
TPP. (2021, October 28). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from
Last updated