TR in Scientific & Educational Meaning

The TR meaning in Scientific & Educational terms is "Trace". There are 18 related meanings of the TR Scientific & Educational abbreviation.

TR on Scientific & Educational Full Forms

  1. Trace Extremely small quantity of an element, usually too small to determine quantitatively. A record of the processing of a computer program or transaction. The information collected from a trace can be used to assess problems and performance. In DB2 replication, a facility that is used to collect monitoring, auditing, and performance data for the Capture program, the Q Capture program, the Apply program, the Q Apply program, or the Replication Alert Monitor.
  2. Thrust Reverser Is a device fitted in the engine exhaust system that effectively reverses the flow of the exhaust gases.
  3. Track The recommended direction or path to be followed when proceeding between predetermined position. Route, in sea or ocean, along which vessels customarily travel. That part of a line of advance that has already been travelled; particularly applied to storms.
  4. Transit Passage of a heavenly body across meridian of observer. Passage of an inferior planet across Sun's disc. In pilotage, the position of two distant, fixed objects when they are in line to an observer; the line passing through them and observer being a position line
  5. Teleoperator Retrieval
  6. Translated
  7. trityl
  8. Teaching Research Division of Western Oregon University
  9. Transponder Satellite communications unit comprising, receive antenna,receiver, filters, amplifiers, output filters and transmit antenna.
  10. Transport To move traffic from one place to another.
  11. time to retrofire
  12. Transceiver A device that contains both a transmitter and receiver. Transceiver Short for transmitter/receiver. A device that can both transmit and receive signals. On LANs (local area networks), a transceiver is the device that connects a computer to the network and that converts signals to and from parallel and serial form. In communications, the device that connects the transceiver cable to the Ethernet coaxial cable. The transceiver is used to transmit and receive data.
  13. Table Row
  14. Tape Recorder
  15. Transmitter/Receiver
  16. training requirement
  17. Laundry Trough
  18. Time Reactor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TR stand for Scientific & Educational?

    TR stands for Tape Recorder in Scientific & Educational terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Transport in Scientific & Educational?

    The short form of "Transport" is TR for Scientific & Educational.


TR in Scientific & Educational. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated