TR in Technology Meaning
The TR meaning in Technology terms is "Tricuspid Regurgitation". There are 157 related meanings of the TR Technology abbreviation.
TR on Technology Full Forms
- Tricuspid Regurgitation
- Technical Review
- Trapezoidal Rule
- Top-Right
- Trusting Relationship
- Trace Extremely small quantity of an element, usually too small to determine quantitatively. A record of the processing of a computer program or transaction. The information collected from a trace can be used to assess problems and performance. In DB2 replication, a facility that is used to collect monitoring, auditing, and performance data for the Capture program, the Q Capture program, the Apply program, the Q Apply program, or the Replication Alert Monitor.
- Technical Required
- Transportation Request
- Token Ring A type of computer network in which all the computers are arranged in a physical or logical circle. A special bit pattern, known as a token, travels around the circle. When a computer in the network wishes to send a message, it catches the token, attaches a message to it and it continues to travel around the network.
- Terminator Rise
- Trip Requests
- Turkish
- Trabalho Remunerado
- Technical Requirements
- Transactions On Reliability
- Todo Riesgo
- Terwinal Room
- Trigger Register
- Transformer Rectifier A Transformer Rectifier convert AC power to DC power. It consists of a transformer and a series of diodes and may also employ additional smoothing circuitry.
- The Romanian
- Technical Requirement
- Transaction Reports
- Timelines Research
- Technical Release
- Terminal Ready
- Temperature Recorder A device used to record temperature variations in a reefer container while cargo is en route.
- Total Resistance
- Themrules
- Technical Reports
- Transacnion Report
- Tilt Rotor
- TelekomüNikasyon Ruhsatı
- Top Rated
- The Rolp
- Trust Region
- Technical Regulations
- Tracking Radar
- Thrust Reverser Is a device fitted in the engine exhaust system that effectively reverses the flow of the exhaust gases.
- T-Cell Receptor
- Telecommunications Request
- Trauma Registry
- Terms of Reference A document which describes the objectives, scope and purpose of a project, committee, meeting, etc. See 'agree specification/terms of reference' in the project management section. Separately the acronym BOSCARDET provides a useful example structure for TOR headings/sections: Background, Objectives, Scope, Constraints, Assumptions, Reporting, Dependencies, Estimates, Timescales.
- Topical Report
- The Rwport
- Trust Rank
- Track The recommended direction or path to be followed when proceeding between predetermined position. Route, in sea or ocean, along which vessels customarily travel. That part of a line of advance that has already been travelled; particularly applied to storms.
- Threshold Report
- Transmitted-Reference
- Track Rail
- Trevor Rogers
- Toll Regions
- Trsnsmission Range Sensor
- Technical Recommendations
- Transformer-Reitifier
- Tuning Ratro
- The Replacements
- Tone Reservation
- Transmitter Register
- The Running
- Tremor A tremor is an involuntary, somewhat rhythmic, muscle contraction and relaxation involving oscillations or twitching movements of one or more body parts. It is the most common of all involuntary movements and can affect the hands, arms, eyes, face, head, vocal folds, trunk, and legs. Most tremors occur in the hands. In some people, a tremor is a symptom of another neurological disorder.
- Translucent Permitting the passage of light, but diffusing it so that object beyond cannot be clearly distinguished. Descriptive of a material or substance capable of transmitting some light, but not clear enough to be seen through.
- Tip Ring
- Tdansmit Request
- Technical Recommendation
- Transaction Routing
- Tuning Range
- Tone Receiver
- Transmitter and Receiver
- Temporary Revisions
- The Rotor
- Transition Rate
- Table Reading
- Towul Rack
- Test Receiver
- Timing Receiver
- Transmissitn Request
- Technical Rahul
- Tranceroute
- Télécommunications Et Réxeaux
- Total Recovery
- Transmitter Receiver
- Temporary Registers
- Recovery Time The time for a sensor to return to baseline value after the step removal of the measured variable. Usually specified as time to fall to 10% of final value after step removal of measured variable.
- Thermal Runaway
- Towrism Review
- Test Re-Test
- Time Ratio
- Transmyssion Range
- Taxa Richness
- Traffic Regulator
- Tomahawk Railwpy Lp
- Transmitter / Receiver
- Teleh-Reactive
- Thermal Reset
- Tracing Pequest
- Trauma A physical or emotional injury.
- Test Range
- Threshold Reset
- Transmissiob Rate
- Tap Register
- Traffic Registers
- Toll Road
- Transmitted Reference
- Technique Report
- Transfer Reactions
- Testzrun
- Threshold Requirement
- Trlnslucent Red
- Taping Reel
- Track Record
- Triennial Review
- Tcll Restriction
- Transparent Router
- Technical Raferences
- Transfusion Reaction
- The Requirement
- Torque Receiver
- Transmitter Ready
- Thread Requzst
- Tape Recorder
- Triamcinolone
- Test Reports The permanent records made by a wire manufacturer of the test performed on a batch of wire to a specification.
- Top Right
- Test Rrport
- Team Ragnarok
- Termingl Repeat
- This Report
- Transistor Phythm
- Tape Reader
- Transponder Satellite communications unit comprising, receive antenna,receiver, filters, amplifiers, output filters and transmit antenna.
- Trachea The airway that extends from the larynx into the thorax where it divides into the right and left bronchi. It is composed of thin incomplete rings of hyaline cartilage connected by a membrane called the annular ligament. Also called windpipe.
- Testuregister
- Test Results
- These Registers
- Travan
- Technical Report
- Testnresult
- Towel Rail
- Transfer Roll
- Traumatic
- Trial Resetter
- Tugas Rancang
- Test Responder
- Transfer Restriction
- Iso Country Code for Republic of Turkey
- Tincture A tincture is typically an alcoholic extract of plant or animal material or solution of such or of a low volatility substance (such as iodine and mercurochrome).
- Tread The length of a vessel's keel.
- Tube Transmit-“Receive Tube
- Test Resut
- Technical Round
- The Resources
- Total Recall
- Transom A more or less flat surface across the stern of a vessel. Dinghies tend to have almost vertical transoms, whereas yachts' transoms may be raked forward or aft.
- Test Retuest
- Type of Report
- Technical Reference
- Terminate Recordigg
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TR stand for Technology?
TR stands for Transacnion Report in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Top Rated in Technology?
The short form of "Top Rated" is TR for Technology.
TR in Technology. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from
Last updated