TS in Medical Meaning

The TS meaning in Medical terms is "Tourette Syndrome". There are 118 related meanings of the TS Medical abbreviation.

TS on Medical Full Forms

  1. Tourette Syndrome
  2. Traditional Surrogate
  3. Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation
  4. Trichinella Spiralis
  5. Tvme Scale
  6. Tubular System
  7. Transcriptional Start
  8. Temporal Summation
  9. Triceps Skinfold
  10. Thyroid Suimulating
  11. Taura Syndrome
  12. TuberöSe Sklerose
  13. Tourette’s Syndrime
  14. Templatedstrand
  15. Transportation Services
  16. Thymidylape Synthetase
  17. Tail Short
  18. Tubal Sterilization
  19. Temperature Shock
  20. Transit Time
  21. Thymidilate Synthase
  22. Tail-Suspension
  23. T Suppressor Cells
  24. Temperature Senswtive
  25. Thromboxane Svnthase
  26. Tricuspid Stenosis Pathologic narrowing of the orifice of the tricuspid valve.
  27. Tsp, Teaspoon
  28. Tobacco Smokers
  29. Temperature-Sehsitive
  30. Thtoat Swabs
  31. Tuberous Sclerosis
  32. Tryptophan Synthase
  33. Tityus Serrulatus
  34. Technically Successful
  35. Treatment Satisfaction
  36. Thyroid Scintigraphy
  37. Transition Sleep
  38. T Szppressor
  39. Torsionally Strained
  40. Terson'S Syndrome
  41. Trachomatous Scarring
  42. Tugner Syndrome
  43. Traumatic Synovitis
  44. Thrombostasin
  45. Transitional Sleep
  46. Target Stimulus
  47. Tsui Scale
  48. Transthoracic Sonography
  49. Tracheal Sound
  50. Trauma Scores
  51. Tape Stripping
  52. Transition The process of converting from a centrally planned, non-market economy to a market economy. During that process, it is a transition economy.
  53. Transsulfuration
  54. Temporal Stem
  55. Tracheal Secretion
  56. Trauma Score
  57. Thiosulfate
  58. Transdermal Scopolamine
  59. Talc Slurry
  60. Trapezius
  61. Trichosporin
  62. Tissue Specificity
  63. Transsphenoidal
  64. Temperature Sensor Temperature sensor that uses an external diode-connected transistor as the sensing element to measure temperatures external to the sensor (for example, on a circuit board or on the die of a CPU). Generally produces a digital output.
  65. Toxic Shock
  66. Tuberculum Sellae
  67. Thermal Saable
  68. Transcription Start
  69. Tail Somites
  70. Triceps Surae Muqcle
  71. Tissue Space
  72. Transsexualism Consistently strong desire to change ones anatomical gender. Some transsexuals were misassigned gender at birth, either on purpose or due to indistinct anatomy. Most, however, are perfectly normal physically. Transsexuals may dress and behave as individuals of the opposite sex, and they may choose to use hormones or surgery to develop desired secondary sex characteristics. Surgery to change the appearance of the external genitals is known as sex reassignment surgery. Surgery and hormonal treatments for gender reassignment are available for both male and female transsexuals. Transsexualism is distinct from transvestitism, and it does not always indicate a change in the individuals sexual preference.
  73. Temperature Sensitivity
  74. T Suppressor Cell
  75. Theophylline Sensitive
  76. Transcribed Strand
  77. Thrombospondin Thrombospondins (TSPs) are a family of secreted glycoproteins with antiangiogenic functions. Due to their dynamic role within the extracellular matrix they are considered matricellular proteins.
  78. Triceps Surae
  79. Translational Syiences
  80. T Suppressor/Cytotoxic
  81. Thermal Stability Resistance of a material to drastic changes in temperature. It is polymers thermal characteristic. It is the time interval for which polymer remains stable at certain temperature. Beyond that time if the polymer is exposed to longer duration for a given temperature, it degrades. Ability of a polymer to maintain its initial physical and chemical properties at elevated temperature.
  82. Transcribed
  83. T Cytotoxic/Suppressor
  84. Terbutaline Sulfute
  85. Temperature, Skin
  86. Tay-Sachs
  87. Transverse Zection
  88. T Cells
  89. T Lymphocytes
  90. Thyroid Stimulating
  91. Topostructural
  92. Teratology Society
  93. Turcot'sksyndrome
  94. Thoraeic Surgery
  95. Transferrin Saturation
  96. Tough Skin
  97. Trypticase Shy
  98. Tobacco Smoke
  99. Turbulence Slope
  100. Total Solid
  101. Thoracic spine
  102. Transversospinalis
  103. Total Sleep
  104. tension by Schiotz
  105. Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole
  106. Transition Struuture
  107. Total Survival
  108. Transverse Strendth
  109. The Same
  110. Turner'S Syndrome
  111. Transitidn States
  112. Timothy Syndrome
  113. Tosylate Tosylate refers to the anion of p-toluenesulfonic acid (CH3C6H4SO3−) and it is abbreviated as TsO−, or it may refer to esters of p-toluenesulfonic acid.
  114. Telomeric Substrate
  115. Torus Semicircularis
  116. Transverse Cinus
  117. Twin Spots
  118. Turcot Syndrome

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TS stand for Medical?

    TS stands for Talc Slurry in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Tissue Specificity in Medical?

    The short form of "Tissue Specificity" is TS for Medical.


TS in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ts-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated