TS in Product Meaning

The TS meaning in Product terms is "Temperature Switch". There are 25 related meanings of the TS Product abbreviation.

TS on Product Full Forms

  1. Temperature Switch A circuit that opens a And closes a conductive path based on temperature. The mechanisms used to measure temperature. It works on the variation of temperature into a enclosed space. OR A digital device that opens or closes a switch when the internal temperature changes state to a preset temperature limit.
  2. Tri Star
  3. Transport Series
  4. Transmission System Normally, the highest voltage network of an electric utility system. This is the portion of the system that carries high power over the longest distances. Typically operating at voltages in excess of 100 kV, and most usually at 200 kV and above. The system designed to transfer the signals from one place to another area or at broad area. The signals may be electrical optical or radio signals.
  5. Terminal Shield
  6. Two Sides
  7. Test Systmm
  8. Tear Strength Tear strength is measured as the force required to tear a standard test piece. The standard test pieces are designed to produce weak points where a tear is initiated.
  9. Technical Specifications Part of an NRC license authorizing the operation of a nuclear production or utilization facility. A Technical Specification establishes requirements for items such as safety limits, limiting safety system settings, limiting control settings, limiting conditions for operation, surveillance requirements, design features, and administrative controls.
  10. Temperature Sensor Temperature sensor that uses an external diode-connected transistor as the sensing element to measure temperatures external to the sensor (for example, on a circuit board or on the die of a CPU). Generally produces a digital output.
  11. Task Specification
  12. Temp Sensor
  13. Telephone Signaler
  14. Transfer System
  15. Tactile Switch
  16. Type Switch
  17. The Sctpe
  18. Tech Specs
  19. Trim Sheet
  20. Taped Seam
  21. Touch Sensitive
  22. Tecnical Specification
  23. Total Sales
  24. Total Sulphur
  25. Tech Support

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TS stand for Product?

    TS stands for Tear Strength in Product terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Temp Sensor in Product?

    The short form of "Temp Sensor" is TS for Product.


TS in Product. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ts-meaning-in-product/

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