TS in Science Meaning

The TS meaning in Science terms is "Transcriptional Start". There are 56 related meanings of the TS Science abbreviation.

TS on Science Full Forms

  1. Transcriptional Start
  2. Temperature Senswtive
  3. Target Strength
  4. Tail Short
  5. Thymidylape Synthetase
  6. Translation Studies
  7. The Structure
  8. Thromboxane Svnthase
  9. Templatedstrand
  10. Temperature Switch A circuit that opens a And closes a conductive path based on temperature. The mechanisms used to measure temperature. It works on the variation of temperature into a enclosed space. OR A digital device that opens or closes a switch when the internal temperature changes state to a preset temperature limit.
  11. Than Two Tuzor Suppressor
  12. Transcribed Strand
  13. T-Cell Suppressor
  14. Triple Space
  15. Tosylate Ts
  16. Thermal Subsystem
  17. Transverse Section
  18. Tribunal Supremo
  19. Torsionally Strained
  20. Traitement De Signal
  21. Thermal Saable
  22. Translational Syiences
  23. Topical Studies
  24. Typical Turner Syndrome
  25. Technical Systems
  26. Training Segment
  27. Transfusion Syndrome
  28. Technical System
  29. Transition The process of converting from a centrally planned, non-market economy to a market economy. During that process, it is a transition economy.
  30. Time Step
  31. Tsui Scale
  32. Tferapeutic Science
  33. Transcription Start
  34. Technical Specifications Part of an NRC license authorizing the operation of a nuclear production or utilization facility. A Technical Specification establishes requirements for items such as safety limits, limiting safety system settings, limiting control settings, limiting conditions for operation, surveillance requirements, design features, and administrative controls.
  35. T4 Thymidylate Synthase
  36. Thin Section A section of the formation, forcibly impregnated with epoxy and sliced thin enough to examine with a light from the opposite side.
  37. Telomeric Substrate
  38. Total Suspended
  39. Trajectory Synthesizer
  40. Traditxonal Statistics
  41. Tectonics & Structural
  42. Total Solids The total amount of solids contamination, both suspended and non-suspended present in the lubricant. This test is indicative of carburetion problems (too rich or too lean), if the oil filter has reached the saturation point and is no longer able to remove contamination from the system, and if the air intake system is functioning properly and allowing enough air into the unit for complete burn to take place.
  43. Turcot Syndrome
  44. Thermal Shock Thermal shock is the effect of heat or cold applied at such a rate that non-uniform thermal expansion or contraction occur within a given material or combination of materials. In connectors, the effect can cause inserts and other insulation materials to pull away from metal parts.
  45. Tobacco Smoke
  46. Twin Spots
  47. Trainee Scientist
  48. Thermal Shield A layer, or layers, of high-density material located within a reactor pressure vessel or between the vessel and the biological shield to reduce radiation heating in the vessel and the biological shield.
  49. Transition State The transition state of a chemical reaction is a particular configuration along the reaction coordinate. It is defined as the state corresponding to the highest potential energy along this reaction coordinate. At this point, assuming a perfectly irreversible reaction, colliding reactant molecules always go on to form products. It is often marked with the double dagger ‡ symbol.
  50. Transfer Standard
  51. Tansuo
  52. Total Sulfur
  53. Trazsfer Switch
  54. Time Required To Complete The S Phase of The Cell Cycle
  55. Trypticase Shy
  56. Total Sugars

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TS stand for Science?

    TS stands for Transcribed Strand in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Translational Syiences in Science?

    The short form of "Translational Syiences" is TS for Science.


TS in Science. Acronym24.com. (2022, August 1). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ts-meaning-in-science/

Last updated