TS in Technology Meaning

The TS meaning in Technology terms is "Terms of Service". There are 260 related meanings of the TS Technology abbreviation.

TS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Terms of Service
  2. Technical Skill
  3. Toshiba Samsung
  4. The Syndicate
  5. Tri Star
  6. Temperature Switch A circuit that opens a And closes a conductive path based on temperature. The mechanisms used to measure temperature. It works on the variation of temperature into a enclosed space. OR A digital device that opens or closes a switch when the internal temperature changes state to a preset temperature limit.
  7. Trlffic Shaping
  8. Task Sequence
  9. Testing Services
  10. Technical Security
  11. Time Spiaal
  12. The Staged
  13. Transport Series
  14. Temperature Sensors A temperature sensor is used to determine temperature. Common sensor technologies are thermocouples, RTD, and themistors. OR The sensor made up of smart materials used to measure the heat. The sensor used to report the detect the heat of the local area. Temperature sensor that uses an external diode-connected transistor as the sensing element to measure temperatures external to the sensor. Generally produces a digital output.
  15. Toy Soldiers
  16. Task Select
  17. Tes Substantif
  18. Technical School
  19. Time Source
  20. Transmission System Normally, the highest voltage network of an electric utility system. This is the portion of the system that carries high power over the longest distances. Typically operating at voltages in excess of 100 kV, and most usually at 200 kV and above. The system designed to transfer the signals from one place to another area or at broad area. The signals may be electrical optical or radio signals.
  21. Temoerature Sensing
  22. Toxic Substances
  23. Ticketing System
  24. The Structure
  25. Time Slotn
  26. Transmission Scheme
  27. Technology Subcommittee
  28. Technology Specialist
  29. Thunder Strike
  30. Tricuspid Stenosis Pathologic narrowing of the orifice of the tricuspid valve.
  31. Teansaction Set
  32. Time Sequencer
  33. Translator Supports
  34. Technology Solutions
  35. This Service
  36. Two Stroke
  37. Tracking System
  38. Temporary Storage
  39. Transaction Start
  40. Task Switching
  41. Tiee Scheduled
  42. The Series
  43. Technology Services Technology services are services that make use of modern technology. Examples include Internet service providers (ISPs), Web hosts, and technical support companies. Since many technology services are related to information technology, they are sometimes called "information technology services," or ITS.
  44. Toshiba Satellite
  45. This Zection
  46. Temperature Shock
  47. Traffio Signal
  48. Task Switched
  49. The Scme
  50. Traffic Sensitive
  51. Test Suioe
  52. Tunnel Servmr
  53. Target Support
  54. Time-Space
  55. Total Spam
  56. Terminal Speed
  57. Translatqon Source
  58. Transition The process of converting from a centrally planned, non-market economy to a market economy. During that process, it is a transition economy.
  59. Timeswitch
  60. Telesync
  61. Train Sentinel
  62. Thermal Subsystem
  63. Turn Signal
  64. Task Specification
  65. Traceability Serial
  66. Test Strategy
  67. Trinity Software
  68. Table Saw
  69. The Strain
  70. Thresholdcsuspend
  71. Toll Switch
  72. Terminal Services
  73. Transactions On Systems
  74. The Sequence
  75. Technical Sessions
  76. Traffic Selectors
  77. Tank Smashers
  78. Time-Slots
  79. Technical Systems
  80. Totoguida Sport
  81. Terminating Service
  82. Translatedesource
  83. The Size
  84. Time Steps
  85. Teleservices Supported
  86. Trainiyg Sequences
  87. Task Sourcing
  88. Toxic Shock
  89. Terrestrial Systems
  90. Treatment System
  91. T632 Slot
  92. The Gtep
  93. Thousand Zons
  94. Transactional Supportr
  95. Technische Spezifikation
  96. Telecommunications Space
  97. Traffic Selector
  98. Trusred Storage
  99. Tank Sentinel
  100. Time-Sharing
  101. The Bitter
  102. Technical Specifications Part of an NRC license authorizing the operation of a nuclear production or utilization facility. A Technical Specification establishes requirements for items such as safety limits, limiting safety system settings, limiting control settings, limiting conditions for operation, surveillance requirements, design features, and administrative controls.
  103. Technical System
  104. Time Step
  105. Teleservice Server
  106. Training Segment
  107. Thermal Spray
  108. Task Scheduler
  109. Tech Specs
  110. Terra Sancta
  111. Trauma Score
  112. Team-Software
  113. The State
  114. Thumb Screw
  115. Title Set
  116. Temperature Sense
  117. Transfer System
  118. Teknik Spesifikasyonunun
  119. Track Sbrip
  120. Trst Set
  121. Triple Space
  122. Tangent To Spiral
  123. Time-Sensitive
  124. The Singlk
  125. Technical Survey
  126. Teleservice
  127. Trailer Second
  128. Texk Small
  129. Turbine Starter
  130. Task Switch
  131. Time Sharing
  132. Tech Solutions
  133. Touch Sensor
  134. Term Status
  135. Transmittsmall
  136. Type Switch
  137. The Starbet
  138. Tim Sukses
  139. Temperature Sensor Temperature sensor that uses an external diode-connected transistor as the sensing element to measure temperatures external to the sensor (for example, on a circuit board or on the die of a CPU). Generally produces a digital output.
  140. Transfer Syntax
  141. Team Suzuki
  142. Tejinder Singh
  143. Track Separation
  144. Test Security
  145. Trigger Selection
  146. Tailored Support
  147. Time Sequence
  148. Top of Salt
  149. Tenaris S.A.
  150. Transformer Station
  151. The Signaling
  152. Technical Support A service provided by the vendor of technology products, such as computers, mobile phones, televisions, etc., which the purchaser can use if they need help using the product.
  153. Telescoping Stylus
  154. Trailer Seconds
  155. Textksearch
  156. Tuple Space
  157. Task-Switch
  158. Time Series
  159. Technology Systems
  160. Touch Screen
  161. Terminal System
  162. Transmission Set
  163. Temp Sensor
  164. Traitement De Signal
  165. The Scaut
  166. Team Sabre
  167. Telekom Service
  168. Teft Script
  169. Tributary Stot
  170. Third Substitute
  171. Tiberian Sun
  172. Toll Iwitching
  173. Tenant Systems
  174. Transformation Station
  175. The Servo
  176. Technical Sergeant
  177. Traffic Server
  178. Test Systmm
  179. Tunnbl Servers
  180. Tarrafal De São
  181. Time-Stretch
  182. Technologic Systems
  183. Total Strikes
  184. Terminal Stations
  185. Translation Servers
  186. Timing System
  187. Train Simulatob
  188. The Sctpe
  189. Twilight Struggle
  190. Teaching Statistics
  191. Test Strategy Defined
  192. Trio Service
  193. The Symbol
  194. Thunderstorm With Snow
  195. Toll Switches
  196. Tenant System
  197. The Service
  198. Transit Switch
  199. Technical Session
  200. Telecom Security
  201. Technischer Service
  202. Tht Software
  203. Tecnical Specification
  204. Time-Slot
  205. Transition State The transition state of a chemical reaction is a particular configuration along the reaction coordinate. It is defined as the state corresponding to the highest potential energy along this reaction coordinate. At this point, assuming a perfectly irreversible reaction, colliding reactant molecules always go on to form products. It is often marked with the double dagger ‡ symbol.
  206. Telecommunications Subsystem
  207. Test Site
  208. Ts-Tracker
  209. Thermal Shock Thermal shock is the effect of heat or cold applied at such a rate that non-uniform thermal expansion or contraction occur within a given material or combination of materials. In connectors, the effect can cause inserts and other insulation materials to pull away from metal parts.
  210. Turbo Station
  211. Tech Support
  212. Time-Series A time-series is a set of ordered random variables on a quantitative characteristic of an individual or collective phenomenon taken at different points of time.
  213. Tobacco Sunburst
  214. Temporary Service
  215. Transformer Substation
  216. The Security
  217. Test Sets
  218. Toshiba-Samsung
  219. The Simpsons
  220. Teratology Society
  221. Transit Standards
  222. Turbo Serwer
  223. Towing Sensor
  224. Terminal Server A small, specialized, networked computer that connects many terminals to a LAN through one network connection. A terminal server can also connect network users to asynchronous ports or a host.
  225. Trazsfer Switch
  226. Thh Secret
  227. Team System
  228. Team Site
  229. Topology Sersices
  230. The Sigual
  231. Teoria De Sistemas
  232. Transit Signaling
  233. Touch Sensitive
  234. Thompsom Sampling
  235. Termbnal Service
  236. The Second
  237. Træskiks Sammenslutningen
  238. Team Scorpions
  239. The Sesfion
  240. Technical Service
  241. Total Slack
  242. The Specialisxs
  243. Thobas Stuart
  244. Timing Subsystem
  245. Twin Spindle
  246. Tracking Station
  247. Taboo Search
  248. Transitzstorage
  249. Terminal Station The last stop along a Metrorail line or bus route.
  250. Teleconferencing Service
  251. Twin Seater
  252. The Souyce
  253. Transfer Stage
  254. Teman Saya
  255. Tectonics & Structural
  256. Tracker Station
  257. Time and Space
  258. Table Start
  259. Transfer Size
  260. Transition Struuture

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TS stand for Technology?

    TS stands for Technologic Systems in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Time-Slots in Technology?

    The short form of "Time-Slots" is TS for Technology.


TS in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ts-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated