Vehicle Makes Abbreviations and Vehicle Makes Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Vehicle Makes terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Vehicle Makes abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Vehicle Makes terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Vehicle Makes Abbreviations
  1. AECG : American
  2. AM. : American
  3. AMER. : American
  4. AMER : American
  5. AH : Austin-Healy
  6. AUHE : Austin-Healy
  7. ALF : Alfa Romeo
  8. ALFA : Alfa Romeo
  9. AMB : Ambassador
  10. AMER : Ambassador
  11. AMMU : Hyundai
  12. HYU : Hyundai
  13. HOMU : Hyundai
  14. HYUN : Hyundai
  15. AU : Austin
  16. AUST : Austin
  17. AUO : Autocar
  18. AUTO : Autocar
  19. BCK : Buick
  20. BUIC : Buick
  21. BM : Bmw
  22. BMW : Bmw
  23. CADDY : Cadillac
  24. CIL : Cadillac
  25. CADI : Cadillac
  26. CHKR : Checker
  27. CHEC : Checker
  28. VOK : Volkswagen
  29. VOW : Volkswagen
  30. VW : Volkswagen
Latest Vehicle Makes Meanings
  1. Volvo
  2. Volkswagen
  3. Vauxhall
  4. Toyota
  5. Suzuki
  6. Sterling
  7. Smart
  8. Simca
  9. Saturn
  10. Rootes
  11. Renault
  12. Plymouth
  13. Peugeot
  14. Morris
  15. Metropolitan
  16. Mercury
  17. Mercedes-Benz
  18. Lincoln
  19. Lexus
  20. Land Rover