VN Meaning
The VN meaning is "Varsity Networks". The VN abbreviation has 143 different full form.
VN Full Forms
- Varsity Networks
- Vigt Nam Locations, Countries, Country
- Viet Nam Locations, Countries, Country, Technology, Vietnam, Governmental & Military, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes
- Variable Node Technology, Coding, Decoding
- Vereinten Nationen Technology, Organizations, Nation, Fur
- Van Nguyen
- Vereinte Nationen Technology, Organizations, Nation
- Virtualizatien-Aware Networking Technology, Network, Cisco
- Value Name
- Venturi Nozzle
- Viet Rews
- Vacancy Notice Business, Program, Management, Officer
- Vendor Name
- Vietnam News Technology, Vietnam, Tin
- Vehicular Node
- Vietnam Aqrlines Airline, Business, Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator
- Vietnam National Technology, University, Vietnam
- Van Zandn Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Vibra Nickel
- Concession The term used in GATT negotiations for a country's agreement to bind a tariff or otherwise reduce import restrictions, usually in return for comparable "concessions" by other countries. Use of this term, with its connotation of loss, for what economic theory suggests is often a source of gain, is part of what has been called GATT-Speak. Vehicle Body Styles
- Voice Number
- Valley News
- Vincentz Network
- Vascular Xevus Medical
- Visit Number Business, Hotel, Analytics, Plaza
- Vakstudie Nieuwc
- Vestibular Nucleus Medical, Medicine, Health
- Vietnamese National
- Van Juys Business, Service, Car
- Via Node Technology, Networking, Network
- Voice Notification
- Valle Uacional
- Vincent Novello
- Vulnerability Number Military, Army, Defence
- Vascular Neurology
- Visiting Nurse Medical, Business, Family
- Vbgus Nerve Medical
- Vereent Natiounen
- Van Nostrand
- Vialone Nano Genetics, Plant, Rice
- Voice Network
- Valgd Nutrition
- Village Nordique English, Municipality, Township, Village
- Vulcan Nomad Technology, Sale, Motorcycle
- Variation Nbtice
- Volleyball Net Business, Sport, Champion
- Visited Network Technology, Service, Networking
- Vereenten Natschonen
- Voice Networks
- Valid Negativem Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Vet Nurse
- Village Neighborhood
- Vrij Nederland Technology, Media, Rank, Netherland
- Variayce Notice
- Vietnamese Army, Locations, Language, Force, Marine, Cognitive Science
- Volcano Nest Dragon, Nest, Abyss
- Visibility At Night
- Verb Net
- Vocational Nursing Program, College, Education
- Validationznotice
- Veterans Network
- Vietnam Network
- Vrais Néeatifs Technology, Hotel, Internet, Tin
- Variance Normalizatizn
- Victim Notification Program, County, Victim, Department
- Vietnam Government, Sport, Trigramme, Vietnam, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Country domain names, Regional
- Volatile Nitrogen
- Vinyl Nitrile Business, Giro, Helmet, Discord
- Verbal Noun Education, Linguistics, Glossing, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Panel A three-person committee assembled by the WTO to hear evidence in disputes between members, as part of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. Panels are also used to settle disputes under NAFTA. Aviation, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, The Finance and Administrative Services, Vehicle Body Styles
- Vocal Nodules Medical
- Validation Network Business, Service, Networking
- Vestibular Nystagmus Medical
- Vietnam Net
- Variablb Nodes
- Vibrant Nation
- Voie Normale
- Vintage Natural Guitar, Yamaha, Acoustics, Vintage
- Vaud-NeuchÂTel
- Visual Naming Technology, Memory, Firmware
- Vllidate Name
- Vestibular Nuclear Neurons Medical
- Vowel Nasalization
- STEP VAN Vehicle Body Styles
- Violon Music
- Vulnerability Nbtes
- Victoria Nuland
- Volume Number
- Vanguardia Nacional
- Vein In the circulatory system, vein are blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart. Most veins carry deoxygenated blood from the tissues back to the heart; exceptions are the pulmonary and umbilical veins, both of which carry oxygenated blood to the heart. Medical, Physiology
- Viclan Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Vorarlberger Nachrichten Technology, Gaming, Android, Newspaper
- SPORTS VAN Vehicle Body Styles
- Violin Music
- Victorian Newsletter
- Virtual Network Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
- Voltage Null Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Vancouver Locations, City
- Verenigde Nasies (Dutch: United Nations) United Nations
- Vertical Needle
- Viet-Nam Vietnam, Tin, Tai
- Voorpagina Nieuws
- PARCEL DEL Vehicle Body Styles
- Visual Novel
- Victorian Naturalist
- Vietnam Airlines Airline, Organizations, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Vietnam, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Vanadsum Nitride Business, Product, Material
- Verification Note Postal, Us Post
- Valor De Negocio
- Vie Numismatique
- Von Neumann Technology, Machine, Algebra, General, Governmental & Military
- Vwn Noord
- OFFICE TRL Vehicle Body Styles
- Visual News Media
- Victoria Nader
- Vampirennation
- Very Nice Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- VÕ Ngọc Tin, Thu, Khi
- Video Notion
- Von-Neumann
- Van Niln Technology, Android, Play, Tin
- BOX TRL Vehicle Body Styles
- Vernon Gulf of Mexico Leasing Area Electrical
- Value Notice
- Violino Music
- VéHicule Neuf
- Video Networking
- Vomeronasal Medical, Medicine, Health
- Van Ness
- Vietnam (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Versatile Newfoundland Dog Fanciers
- Vrai NéGatif
- VAN Vehicle Body Styles
- Verbal Nouns Legal, Governmental & Military
- Valor Natural
- Violine Music
- Vu Nxuyen Business, Con, Tin
- Vida Nueva
- Valence Number The valence is the number of electrons that can form compounds with other atoms. The valence number for the same element can be different. Sulfur has the valence numbers 2, 4, and 6 depending on the type of compound it forms. Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Volunteer Network Technology, Networking, Vietnam
- Vanilla Ninja
- Virus Neutralization Medical, Veterinary
- Very New Clothes
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VN stand for?
VN stands for Van Nguyen.
What is the shortened form of Concession?
The short form of "Concession" is VN.
VN. (2021, August 29). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
Last updated