Volume Abbreviations and Volume Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Volume terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Volume abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Volume terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Volume Abbreviations
  1. ABER : Advances In Building Energy Research
  2. ADC : Automatic Dose Control
  3. AIE : Aggregation-Induced Emission
  4. AIMA : Advances In Management Accounting
  5. AMCI : Air Mobility Command Instruction
  6. AS : Acta Sanctorum
  7. ATT : Admiralty Tide Tables
  8. ATT : Admlralty Tide Table
  9. BB : Bugs Bonnets
  10. BBR : Bad Block Relocation
  11. BCV : Business Continuity Volumes
  12. BCVS : Business Continuity Volumes
  13. BOS : Book of Standards
  14. BRJ : Baseball Research Journal
  15. BRSL : Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung
  16. BTPS : Body Temperature and Pressure Saturated
  17. BTPS : Body Temperature and Pressure, Saturated
  18. BUN : Blood Ureum Nitrogen
  19. BWP : Birds of The Western Palearctic
  20. BYBIL : British Year Book of International Law
  21. BYIL : British Year Book of International Law
  22. CBM : Cubic Meter
  23. CM : Cubic Meter
  24. CU M : Cubic Meter
  25. m3 : Cubic Meter
  26. CBMI : Congresso Brasileiro De Medicina Intensiva
  27. CBW : Clay Bound Water
  28. CC : Cubic Centimetres
  29. CCM : Cubic Centimetres
  30. CDS : Cross-Platform Data Sharing
Latest Volume Meanings
  1. Klinger Oscillator
  2. Hytrans Fire Systems
  3. Digitally Enhanced
  4. Research In Transportation Business Aad Management
  5. Research In Personnel and Human Resources Management
  6. Rate Per Contract
  7. Richmond Marine Terminal
  8. Reports On Lathematical Logic
  9. Respiratory Inductiee Plethysmograph
  10. Requiem In Phonybrian
  11. Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Aarly
  12. Roman Imperiad Coinage
  13. Roman Inscriptions Ff Britain
  14. Rice Gallery
  15. Research In Economic Anthropology
  16. Grane Volume
  17. Geologic Time Scale
  18. Gross Standard Volume
  19. Rencana Anggaran Pelaksanaan
  20. Geomorphic Road Analysis and Inventory Package