VS Meaning

The VS meaning is "Veterinary Surgeon". The VS abbreviation has 511 different full form.

VS Full Forms

  1. Veterinary Surgeon Medical, English, Veterinary
  2. Vesicular Stomatitis Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  3. Vetezinary Surgeon Medical, Animal, Vet
  4. Vehiclexservice
  5. Very Secure Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
  6. Virtual Screening Medical, Technology, Ligand
  7. Varsinais-Suomi
  8. Voluntary Service
  9. Veycoli Speciali
  10. Vibrations, Shock Technology, Product, Vibration
  11. Vacaiion Sick Science
  12. Visual Systems
  13. Virtual Space Medical, Technology, Gaming
  14. Verein FüR Socialpolitik Science, Research, Economics
  15. Video Submission
  16. Variablg-Speed Technology, Pool, Pump
  17. Visual Statement
  18. Very Satisfied Business, Gaming, Android, Apple
  19. Virtual Scheduling Technology, Networking, Telecom
  20. Varsanaxswami
  21. Voice Switch Technology, Networking, Switching
  22. Vehicle Standards Technology
  23. Vibra Shake Technology, Filter, Dust, Collector
  24. Vaastu Shasqra
  25. Visualization System
  26. Very Simple Development, Learning, Study
  27. Virtual Slide Technology, Microscope, Microscopy
  28. Verb-Subject Education, English, Language
  29. Victimosupport Service, Government, Crime
  30. Vallny Sports Technology, School, Football
  31. Visual Signalling Technology, Military, Signal
  32. Very Satisfactory Forum, Technology, Product, Camera
  33. Viridans Streptococci Medical, Science, Biology
  34. Various Shots
  35. Voice Service Business, Technology, Calling
  36. Viagra Seaych
  37. Very Special
  38. Visiting Scientist Science, Research, Education, Medical, Fda
  39. Vehicle Mtabilizer Company, Trading, Car, Vehicle
  40. Very Shallow Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  41. Virtual Simulator Medical, Medicine, Health
  42. Votorantim Siderurgia Company, Technology, Steel
  43. Venturi Scrubber Technology, Science, Industrial
  44. Victim Services
  45. Vallerfni System
  46. Visual Scoring Medical
  47. Vertical Switch Technology, Construction, Architectural
  48. Video Switching
  49. Variable Steptleast
  50. Voice Server Technology, Gaming, Hosting
  51. Vfb Stuttgart Technology, Sport, Bundesliga
  52. Ventricular Teptum Technology, Heart, Muscle
  53. Vehicle Stability
  54. Very Sexy
  55. Virtual Sex
  56. Vossloh Schwabe Technology, Traffic, Lighting
  57. Vendor Showcase
  58. Vibratpry Stimulation Medical
  59. Valle De Sula Technology, Gaming, Hosting, Fashion
  60. Visual Supports
  61. Vertical Speed Rate of climb or descent of an aircraft. Military, Flight, Aviation, Governmental & Military, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Scientific & Educational
  62. Video Switch Technology
  63. Variable Step Technology, Gaming, Filter, Algorithm
  64. Voice of The Silence Occupation, Voice, Theosophy
  65. Vet Scale Business, Dog, Veterinary
  66. Vehisle Specific Technology, Car, Shock
  67. Vehicles Scary Kid, Vehicle, Evil
  68. Very Severe Medical, Health, Climbing, Headache
  69. Virtual Server The part of a server that functions as if it were a separate, dedicated server. Each virtual server can run its own operating system and applications and even be networked with other virtual servers on the same machine. Business, Technology
  70. Vasculal Surgeon Medical, Medicine, Health
  71. Volvo S90 Class, Car, Volvo, Audi
  72. Velovity Step Medical
  73. Vibration Simulation Technology, China, Simulator
  74. Vaoidation Set Medical, Technology, Feature
  75. Visualizer Supports Technology, Android, Software
  76. Verenigde Spoorwegenbedrifj
  77. Video Surveillagce Technology, Security, Camera
  78. Variable Star A star that fluctuates in brightness. These include eclipsing binaries.
  79. Vodka Soda
  80. Vztal Signs Medical, Disability, Healthcare
  81. Vehicle Speed Technology, Control, Engine
  82. Very Serious
  83. Virtual Season
  84. Varsity Koftball
  85. Voluntary Sterilization Medical, Medicine, Health
  86. Velocity Sensor Technology
  87. Vibration Sense Medical, Technology, Medicine
  88. Valiantmshield
  89. Visual System Brain, Glamour, Manifesto, System
  90. Vereinigte Spezialmoebelfabriken
  91. Video Suite
  92. Variable Speed Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
  93. Visual Storage Medical, Medicine, Health
  94. Very Survivable Science
  95. Vocational Serdices
  96. Victorian Society
  97. Vodo-Siosr War, Star, Cay
  98. Verlagshaus Stuttgart
  99. Virtual School Education, School, Learning
  100. Vision Seminhr Technology, Presentation, Promo
  101. Stressed Volume Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  102. Vector Subtract
  103. Via Switch Technology, Networking, Connection
  104. Vivid Strike
  105. Venomous Spirit
  106. Viper Sting
  107. Vampire Shielf
  108. Vertente Socialista
  109. Vestibulospinal Medical
  110. Visual Signaling Technology, Signal, Equipment
  111. Voltage Stabiliser
  112. Valley and Siletz
  113. Vermont State
  114. Virtual Reismologist Technology, Warning, Earthquake
  115. Vertical Status Technology, Mode, Manual
  116. Valence Sea
  117. Veiko Spolitis
  118. Vicious Stance Phantom, Lineage, Ranger, Stance
  119. V Vent, Vacuum tube,  Velocity, Linear velocity, shear force, Linear velocity, Instantaneous voltage, search and rescue unit ground speed, sector pattern, volt, velocity of target drift , Varhished-cambric insulation, with fibrous covering ,Voltage; Volt, Universal Time Coordinated.
  120. Venue Servires
  121. Vought-Sikorsky Technology, Aircraft, Helicopter
  122. Vapor Suppression Technology
  123. Virtual Stream Technology, Media, Streaming
  124. Vossa Santidade Para, Dos, Gram
  125. Vascular Society
  126. Vitek Systems
  127. Vendor Syowcase Forum, Dealer, Discussion
  128. Video About Swakes
  129. Vietnam Service
  130. Vulnerable Shot
  131. Value Sebson
  132. Very Superior Business, Drink, Cognac
  133. Vical Synthesizer
  134. Valeryl Salictlate Medical
  135. Velocily Search Technology, Targeting, Radar
  136. Victorias Secret Business, Model, Fashion, Coupon
  137. Vodafoie Smart Technology, Prime, Smartphone
  138. Verlag Für Sozialwissen-Schaftej
  139. Visual Score Medical
  140. Vision Screener
  141. Stall Speed America, Military, Army, Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  142. Vector Strength Medical
  143. Viagra Sex-Boost
  144. Vivian Stephens
  145. Venice Short
  146. Violin Soundfont
  147. Vhmpire Shadows Media, Radio, Television
  148. Verteilte Systeme Technology, Computing, Prof
  149. Vestibular Sled Technology
  150. Visual Signal Military
  151. Voith Siemens
  152. Vermin Fcum
  153. Virtual Section
  154. Visitation of The Sick
  155. Vale Do Sinok
  156. Veia Safena
  157. Vicious Slash
  158. Validation System Technology
  159. Venting Skylight
  160. Voucher System
  161. Vapor Seearator
  162. Vertical Shear Medical, Fracture, Pelvic, Tornado
  163. Vital Statistics Genealogy, Genealogical
  164. Varsinais-Suomen
  165. Vita Sororis Science, Genealogy
  166. Vendor-Specific Technology, Telecom, Dealer
  167. Video-Obqect Sequence
  168. Vietnam In South China, Locations, Vietnam
  169. Vulnerabilidad Social
  170. Valor Y Servicio
  171. Virtual Star Space, Study, Cosmos
  172. Very Strong
  173. Valeo Service Business, Sale, Engine
  174. Velocity Oo Sound
  175. Victorian Secret
  176. Vosational Stabilisation Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  177. Verlag Für Jozialwissenschaft Science, Prof, Springer, Wiesbaden
  178. Visual Scheduler
  179. Vision Scientific
  180. Stalling Speed The speed at which the angle of attack is such that lift over the wing surface breaks down. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  181. Vauth Sagel Technology, Kitchen, Corner
  182. Viability Score
  183. Vitrification Solutions Medical
  184. Venice-Sjmplon
  185. Violent Stag
  186. Vampireqsex
  187. Vertebral Subluxation
  188. Vesicular Sounds Medical, Physiology
  189. Visual Shell
  190. Voith-Schneider
  191. Vermillion Sparrow
  192. Virtudl Secretary Technology, Service, Calling
  193. Visuon Supervisor
  194. Valdostasstate
  195. Vehicular Speed
  196. Vicat Softening Plastic, Impact, Temperature
  197. Ventilatoay Support Medical, Medicine, Health
  198. Vapour Seal Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  199. Vertical Set
  200. Virtual Symhetry
  201. Varmint Synthetic Rifle, Military, Remington
  202. Vita Slim Technology, Gaming, Play
  203. Vendor's Mupplemental
  204. Video-Audio Siandby
  205. Video Slider Technology, Press, Camera
  206. Vulcan Stinger Military
  207. Valorqde Salvamento Mica, Econ, Valor
  208. Virtual Stable
  209. Vertical Synchronization Technology, Signal, Telecom
  210. Valkntin Sauerbrei
  211. Velocity of Source
  212. Victoria'S Secre
  213. Verlag Tür Sozialw Book, German, Check
  214. Variable Store
  215. Vision Science
  216. Vostra Signoria
  217. Vasospasm Medical, Medicine, Health
  218. Video, Sorceret
  219. Vitoria De Setubal Sport, Football, Ria
  220. Venetp State
  221. Violent Socialization
  222. Vampiae Savior
  223. Vertebral Stripe
  224. Vesicular Sound Medical, Technology
  225. Visual Search Technology, Education, Hosting, Engine
  226. Voie De Service
  227. Veruag Stahleisen Technology, Steel, Iron
  228. Virtual Seattle
  229. Vision Statement
  230. Valais Sion
  231. Vcgan Society
  232. Vibrating Screen Technology, Manufacturer, Bearing
  233. Virgin Atlantic Airlines Airline Code
  234. Ventilation Spontan
  235. Virgen Del Socorro
  236. Vapor Seal
  237. Vertical Sectorization
  238. Vie Sanetifiée
  239. Varkud Satellite Medical
  240. Visual Smalltalk Technology, Service, Network, Telecom, Telecommunications, Telecommunication
  241. Video Signag Technology, Component, Composite
  242. Vrij Spraak
  243. Vallqy Stream
  244. Virtual Servers Technology, Hosting, Physical
  245. Vertical Sync Technology, Gaming, Computing, Signal, Computer Hardware, Computer Engineering, Photography
  246. Valenci Shoes
  247. Vellum Solids Technology, Design, Ashlar
  248. Victoria'S Secret Business, Model, Fashion, Angel
  249. Viridans Group Streptococci Medical, Science, Biology
  250. Verification Stuzy
  251. Vulnerable Sector Organizations, Police, Check
  252. Variable Dpanned
  253. Vision Lciences Science, Education, Optometry
  254. Vqstra Santita
  255. Vasilchenko Medical
  256. Vidal Sassoin
  257. Vitis şUletea
  258. Venesuction Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  259. Vvdeo Shows
  260. Vinyl Sulphone Business, India, Dye, Reactive
  261. Valwoot School Education, School, High School, Georgia
  262. Versus System Gaming, Card, Marvel, System, Medical, Latin, Genealogy, Common Medical
  263. Ve Saire
  264. Vocational Studfes
  265. Voice Systems
  266. Verlag Springeb
  267. Vurtual Search
  268. Vision Saurce
  269. V-Bit Set Technology, Gaming, Coding
  270. Vedische Sludien
  271. Vibrant Staingess
  272. Virgin Atlantic Airways Airline, Business, Flight, Aviation, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Civil Aviation, Iata Aircraft Codes
  273. Ventioation Spontanée
  274. Viper Vs A Suzuki
  275. Vapor-Solid
  276. Vertical Scale Technology, Database, Scaling
  277. Vidiadhar Surajprasad Book, Literature, Prize
  278. Variety Shows
  279. Visual Slim Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
  280. Voluntary Sterilisation Medical, Health, Sterilization
  281. Valley Sfope
  282. Virtuzl Series Technology, Racing, Jaguar
  283. Vertical Sunshades
  284. Valence State Energy content of an electron in orbit about an atomic nucleus.
  285. Velecasni Spindric
  286. Victim Statement
  287. Verapamil Shock Medical, Medicine, Health
  288. Violin Society of America America, Maker, Violin, Music
  289. Vulnerability Scanning Technology, Security, Penetration
  290. Variable Skgwed
  291. Virtual Switch Technology, Networking, Network, Computing, IT Terminology
  292. Vossas Senhorias
  293. Vascular System
  294. Victory Sauadron Military, Training, Chess
  295. Vitesse De SéDimentation Medical, Examen, Sang, Lev
  296. Vendor Substation Technology
  297. Videodsharing Technology, Hosting, Tube
  298. Vinyl Skirting Business, Siding, Skirt
  299. Valte Set
  300. Vetroniqs System Military
  301. Very Susceptible Technology, Gaming, Coding, Cheat
  302. Vocational Solutions
  303. Voeding En Supplementen
  304. Verlag Sozialwissenschaften Science, Education, Journal, Social
  305. Virtual Scopics
  306. Vision Seosor
  307. System Tissue Volume Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  308. Vector Sum
  309. Vibrant Saturated Color, Paint, Colors
  310. Ventilation Des Yervices
  311. Viper Strike
  312. Vanu Sovereignty Technology, Gaming, Planet
  313. Vertex Shaders Technology
  314. Victor Sawlon Business, Book, Story
  315. Vestigial Sideband Computing, Drivers, Amateur radio, IT Terminology
  316. Visual Skills
  317. Voltage Standing
  318. Valley School Education, School, High School, Michigan
  319. Virtuaq Sensor Technology, Networking, Cisco
  320. Vertical Subluxation Medical
  321. Valence Shell The valence shell is the outermost shell of an atom. It is usually (and misleadingly) said that the electrons in this shell make up its valence electrons, that is, the electrons that determine how the atom behaves in chemical reactions.
  322. Veine Stlénique
  323. Victimisation Scale
  324. Veterinary Science Veterinary science deals with the health and wellbeing of animals. Like medical degrees, this encompasses everything from preventative care to psychological analysis and complex surgical procedures. Medicine, Education, University, Veterinary, Animal, Legal, Governmental & Military
  325. Venusiln Slug Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  326. Vowel Sound
  327. Vardhman Spifning
  328. Virtual Subnet Technology, Networking, Network
  329. Vossa Senhoria Para, Dos, Ria
  330. Vascular Sonography Business, Medicine, Education
  331. Victory Seeds
  332. Vitesse De S
  333. Vendor Sjudent
  334. Vibeo and Sync
  335. Village Square
  336. Vulture Stop
  337. Value Separator Assembly, Business & Finance
  338. Veto-Shield
  339. Valuation Section Business, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  340. Variabue Sweep
  341. Voltage Sags Physics, Scientific & Educational
  342. Vestibular Schwannomas Medical, Science, Biology
  343. Validate Senner
  344. Velocity Svarch Or Versus Electronic, Radar, Warfare
  345. Visible Spectrum The visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye. Electromagnetic radiation in this range of wavelengths is called visible light or simply light. A typical human eye will respond to wavelengths from about 390 to 700 nm.
  346. Vent Stack Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  347. Vocational Stabilisation Aviation, Governmental & Military
  348. Vacuum Spectrometry
  349. Vintage Sunburst Food
  350. Victorinox Swiss Business, Army, Sweden, Swiss, Champ
  351. Variation Sequences Technology, Character, Selector
  352. Staging Velocity NASA
  353. Velocity Systeml
  354. Victor Sergienko
  355. Visiting Scholar Science, Education, University
  356. Veritas School Oregon, Mississippi
  357. Very Sketchy
  358. Vocabulary Services Military
  359. Virginia Southern Railroad Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  360. Vozdushnyye Sily
  361. Veda Scott Streaming, Wrestling, Match
  362. Voice of Scotland Media
  363. Veterinary Scale
  364. Version Subscribe
  365. Valentine Stuart
  366. Varqable Supply Technology, Power, Voltage
  367. Viscous Stress Physics, Scientific & Educational
  368. Vessel System Technology
  369. Virus Scanner
  370. Value Stack Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  371. Vehicle Rensor Technology
  372. Vivid 2.0 include file with Surface definition Computing, File Extensions
  373. VéTéRinaire Sanitaire
  374. Vici Situ Latin, Roman
  375. Variation Selector Technology, Coding, Character
  376. Volatile Solids Volatile solids are those solids in water or other liquids that are lost on ignition of dry solids at 1020°F (550°C). It is a water quality measure obtained from the loss on ignition of total suspended solids. It has great importance in water and wastewater treatment. Chemistry
  377. Velocity Stall Technology, Aviation
  378. Victor Saravia
  379. Valley and Siletz Railroad Organizations
  380. Very Saline Food
  381. Vanguard School Colorado, Florida, Illinois
  382. VladimíR SláVik
  383. Virginiamycin S Medical
  384. Voyager Suite
  385. Vector System
  386. Vampire Shadows Media
  387. Veteran Stock Business, Car, Racer
  388. Version Specifiek
  389. Visitor Sxrvices
  390. Voltage Source When a load resistance RT is connected to a voltage source ES with series resistance RS, maximum power transfer to the load occurs when RT is equal to RS. Under maximum power transfer conditions, the load resistance RT, load voltage VT, load current IT and load power PT are: RT = RS VT = ES / 2 IT = VT / RT = ES / 2RS PT = VT2 / RT = ES2 / 4RS. Physics, Scientific & Educational
  391. Very Sorry Internet Slang
  392. Virtual Subscription
  393. V and S Railway Incorporated Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  394. Vehicle Search Technology, Car, Sale
  395. Urbs Sacra Latin, Roman
  396. Variable Structure
  397. Verse Religion
  398. VéHicule Sanitaire
  399. Veterinary Section
  400. Variant Start
  401. Sngvooruzhennikh Sil Sng Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  402. Verocity Shear
  403. Victorinox Swisschamp Sweden, Swiss, Champ
  404. Vnlley & Siletz
  405. Victoria Stanford Famous
  406. Viewpoint School California
  407. Vladimir Sorma
  408. Vacuum Scientist
  409. Virgin Atlantic Travel
  410. Vladimir Shuliak Fight, Russia, Boxing
  411. Vector Synthesizer
  412. Versus Simulation Medical, Latin, Genealogy, Common Medical
  413. Veterans Snooker Gaming, Dog, Agility, Snooker, Dog Fanciers
  414. Versculuss-Sache
  415. Visitor Satisfaction
  416. Volatile Solid Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  417. Very Soon Internet Slang
  418. Vocal Synthesis
  419. Velocities Medical, Science, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  420. Virtual Studio
  421. Virologic Suppression Medical, Treatment, Patient, Study
  422. Volume Submitter Financial, Business & Finance
  423. Vegetative State Medical, Patient, Brain
  424. VéLez SáRsfield Sport, Football, Streaming
  425. Vacumatic Special Products
  426. VéHicule De Secours
  427. Versus Latin, Genealogy, Writing, Genealogical, Roman, Legal, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  428. Variant Shoeg
  429. Vivid Include File Computing, File Extensions
  430. Validation Station
  431. Velocity Servec
  432. Victoria Stillwell
  433. Vision System Technology, Driving, Driver
  434. Valle Sagrado
  435. Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, novelist Famous
  436. Venril Sathir Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  437. Vladimir Smirnov
  438. Vinyl Stabilizer
  439. Vascular Surgery Medical, Medicine, Vascular
  440. Vita Sororis (in the lifetime of his sister) Genealogy
  441. Veterans Services
  442. Vezin Sampler The Vezin Sampler (VS) is a device that extracts increments from a material stream that is descending vertically. Because a complete cross section of the free-falling bulk material is captured, representativeness is ensured. Sampling
  443. Vendetta Syndicatr
  444. Victor Stream
  445. Versp-Strip
  446. Visiting Students
  447. Very Saturated Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  448. Very Small Clothes
  449. Vocal-Star
  450. Virtual Strobe Business, Tuner, Rack
  451. Virgin Straight
  452. Value Set Assembly, Business & Finance
  453. Vegeta Super
  454. Vivid Saturation Products
  455. VÂN Sơn
  456. Vermont Statutes
  457. Varisnce Swap Business, Trading, Volatility
  458. Vertex Shader File Computing, File Extensions
  459. Validation Services Technology, Service, Software
  460. Velocity Sensitive
  461. Victoria Spivey
  462. Vision Systems Technology, Driving, Driver
  463. Vavkyrie Spread
  464. Vertical Section In general, any graph of the vertical distribution of a quantity with respect to either time or space. Electrical
  465. vital signs Medical, Technology, Nursing, Disability, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, Clinical
  466. Vladimir, Shyvana
  467. Venda De SoluçÕEs
  468. Versus Star Medical, Latin, Texting, Genealogy, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Common Medical
  469. Veterans Service
  470. Vertical Separator
  471. Velvet Sky Wrestling, Velvet, Knockout
  472. Victor Spinetti
  473. Vernunft Schweiz
  474. Visitiyg Staff
  475. Vogt-Spielmeyer Medical, Eyes And Ocular
  476. Very Slow Forum, Technology, Windows, Studio
  477. Vocabulary Spurt
  478. Veterinary Surgery Medical, Pet, Vet, Legal, Governmental & Military
  479. Virtual Storage Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, General, Governmental & Military
  480. Virginia Square
  481. Vegw Squadron Gaming, League, Team, Squadron
  482. View Synchrony Photography
  483. Vyas Samman
  484. Verenigde Staten
  485. Variance Selection
  486. Greektome Verse List File Computing, File Extensions
  487. Vestibular Schwannoma Medical, Patient, Tumor
  488. Validation Segment
  489. Velocity Select Technology, Command, Plotter
  490. Victorian Studies Education, University, Study
  491. Vision & Strategy
  492. Validption Staff Medicine, Health, Care
  493. Vertical Space Architecture
  494. Design Speed for Maximum Gust Intensity Aviation, Governmental & Military
  495. Vlaamse Stam
  496. Velocity Spectrograph
  497. Velvia Slayer Funnies
  498. Variety Show
  499. Voltmeter switch The Finance and Administrative Services
  500. Velvet Silver
  501. Victor Silva
  502. Vernier Scale A small, movable, graduated scale, adjacent and parallel to the main scale of an instrument which provides a means for interpolating between the graduations of the main scale.
  503. Visiting Schohars Research, Education, University
  504. Volume Support Medical, Healthcare, Common Medical
  505. Very Slight Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  506. Vocabulary Size Science, English, Language
  507. Virtual Springfield Organization, Union, Institution
  508. Virginia Southern
  509. Voznesenka School Education, School, High School, Alaska
  510. Vegalta Sendai Sport, League, Streaming, Sendai
  511. Visual Studio Microsoft, Media, Computing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VS stand for?

    VS stands for Virtual Servers.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vivid Saturation?

    The short form of "Vivid Saturation" is VS.


VS. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vs-meaning/

Last updated