VS in Medicine Meaning

The VS meaning in Medicine terms is "Vesicular Stomatitis". There are 16 related meanings of the VS Medicine abbreviation.

VS on Medicine Full Forms

  1. Vesicular Stomatitis
  2. Vasculal Surgeon
  3. Voluntary Sterilization
  4. Visual Storage
  5. Virtual Simulator
  6. Vibration Sense
  7. System Tissue Volume
  8. Verapamil Shock
  9. Stressed Volume
  10. Ventilatoay Support
  11. Venesuction
  12. Veterinary Science Veterinary science deals with the health and wellbeing of animals. Like medical degrees, this encompasses everything from preventative care to psychological analysis and complex surgical procedures.
  13. Vasospasm
  14. Vascular Sonography
  15. Vascular Surgery
  16. Validption Staff

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VS stand for Medicine?

    VS stands for Virtual Simulator in Medicine terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ventilatoay Support in Medicine?

    The short form of "Ventilatoay Support" is VS for Medicine.


VS in Medicine. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vs-meaning-in-medicine/

Last updated