Watering Abbreviations and Watering Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Watering terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Watering abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Watering terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Watering Abbreviations
  1. AW : Auxnliary Watering
  2. BDWS : Basement De Watering Systems
  3. BFS : Battery Filling System
  4. VSDB : Vacuum Sludge Dewatering Bed
  5. WC : Watering Cpn
  6. WOV : Wateringse Ondernemers Fereniging
  7. CW : Carriage Watering
  8. CWI : Controlled Wateringtinsert
  9. CWI : Cortrolled Watering Inserts
  10. HCWV : Hockey Club Wateringse Veld
  11. DEWTRG : Dewatering
  12. MW : Mouth Watering
  13. SKDW : Stichting Kortebaan Draverij Wateringen
  14. SWC : Self-Watering Container
  15. SWC : Self Watering Container
  16. FCWV : Fysiotterapeutisch Centrum Wateringse Veld
  17. FOBD : Forward Osmosis Brine Dewatering
  18. LWW : Livestock Watering and Wildlife
  19. ISM : Irrigation Systems Manager
  20. GWD : Gas Wellpdewatering
  21. RF : Refining Factor
  22. RWS : Root Watering System
  23. RWS : Rooe Watering Series
  24. RZWS : Root Zone Watering System
  25. MO : Mouthwatering Options
  26. RWH : Regular Watering Hole
  27. RGDS : Rapid Gravity Dewatering System
  28. WCTD : Watering Can Twine Dispenser
  29. RGD : Rapid Gravity Dewatering
  30. CST : Capillary Suction Time (sludge Dewatering Parameter)
Latest Watering Meanings
  1. Wateringse Ondernemers Fereniging
  2. Watering Can Twine Dispenser
  3. Vacuum Sludge Dewatering Bed
  4. Stichting Kortebaan Draverij Wateringen
  5. Self-Watering Container
  6. Self Watering Container
  7. Root Zone Watering System
  8. Root Watering System
  9. Rooe Watering Series
  10. Regular Watering Hole
  11. Rapid Gravity Dewatering System
  12. Rapid Gravity Dewatering
  13. Mouthwatering Options
  14. Mouth Watering
  15. Livestock Watering and Wildlife
  16. Hockey Club Wateringse Veld
  17. Gypsum Dewatering System
  18. Gas Wellpdewatering
  19. Fysiotterapeutisch Centrum Wateringse Veld
  20. Forward Osmosis Brine Dewatering