Weather Forecast Abbreviations and Weather Forecast Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Weather Forecast terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Weather Forecast abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Weather Forecast terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Weather Forecast Abbreviations
  1. AGFS : Aviation Gridded Forecast System
  2. AMDAR : Automatic Meteorological Data and Reporting
  3. CAAM : Computer Assisted Artillery Meteorology
  4. CBOFS : Chesapeake Bay Oceanographic Forecasting System
  5. CMFC : Coordinating Metoc Forecast Center
  6. WAMPS : Weather Automated Mission Planning Software
  7. WINDS : Weather Information and Display System
  8. WMO : World Meteorological Organization
  9. WST : Weather Support Team
  10. WTU : Weather Technology Unvt
  11. CTWFC : Cinc Target Weather Forecast Center
  12. CWF : Combat Weather Flight
  13. DWSW : Deployable Weather Satellite Workstation
  14. MDCRS : Meteorological Data Communications and Reporting System
  15. MMS : Meteorological Measuring System
  16. MMS-P : Meteorological Measuring System-Profiler
  17. MOS : Model Output Statistics
  18. SMOOS : Shipboard Meteorological and Oceanographic Observing Sensor
  19. SWAFS : Space Weather Analysis and Forecasting System
  20. TACMET-MOD : Tactical Meteorological Observing System Modification
  21. TOFS : Tactical Observing and Forecasting System
  22. FLENUMMETOCCEN : Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center, Monterey, California
  23. FS-21 : Forecasting System 21St Century
  24. JWIS : Joint Weather Impacts System
  25. OPS-II : Operational Weather Squadron Production System Ii
  26. IMETS : Incident Meteorolqgists
  27. GPS/MET : Gps for Meteorology
  28. RSMC : Regional/Specialized Meteorolcgical Centers
  29. AMIS : Automated Meteorological Information System
Latest Weather Forecast Meanings
  1. Automated Meteorological Information System
  2. Regional/Specialized Meteorolcgical Centers
  3. Gps for Meteorology
  4. Incident Meteorolqgists
  5. Operational Weather Squadron Production System Ii
  6. Joint Weather Impacts System
  7. Forecasting System 21St Century
  8. Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center, Monterey, California
  9. Tactical Observing and Forecasting System
  10. Tactical Meteorological Observing System Modification
  11. Space Weather Analysis and Forecasting System
  12. Shipboard Meteorological and Oceanographic Observing Sensor
  13. Model Output Statistics
  14. Meteorological Measuring System-Profiler
  15. Meteorological Measuring System
  16. Meteorological Data Communications and Reporting System
  17. Deployable Weather Satellite Workstation
  18. Combat Weather Flight
  19. Cinc Target Weather Forecast Center
  20. Weather Technology Unvt