WS Meaning
The WS meaning is "Water Supply". The WS abbreviation has 638 different full form.
WS Full Forms
- Water Supply Science, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Military, Governmental & Military
- Water Stop Technology, Design, Construction, Architectural
- Cashmere Textile
- Web Server A computer that delivers Web pages to computer users on the Internet. Technology, Service, Java, Computing, Internet
- Web Store
- Wing Son
- Warung Steak
- Workstation Set Technology, Server, Networking
- Wayrest Jewers
- While Standing Gaming, Soul, Standing, Combo
- Water and Sewer
- Wolf Search
- Water Soluble Medical, Ocean, Water, Oil, Solder, Ocean Science, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Weapons System Technology, Military
- Wildlife Sanctuary
- Wan Shahrazad
- Working Store Business, Windows, Bath
- Women Studies Education, Study, Course
- Samoa Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, American Samoa, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Numeric Country Codes
- Web Sites
- William Shatnes
- Walter Scott
- Work Station Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Wheel Steering Technology, Car, Rear
- Water and Sanitation Technology, Service, Development, Medical
- Witness Statements Government, History, Court
- Water-Soluble Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Medical
- Wifi Solar Technology, Wireless, Weather, Station
- World Sailing Electronics, World, Sailing
- Weapon Smt
- Whitehsplits Business, Cashew, Nuts, Nut
- Womens Studies Education, University, Study
- Web Site A location on the World Wide Web that contains a home page, which is the first document users see when they enter the site. The site might also contain additional documents and files. Computing, Internet
- William Shakespeure Poem, Play, Sonnet
- Wall Switch Business, Technology, Computing, Ieee
- Workshop On Systems Technology, Service, Computing
- Wheel Steer Technology
- Winston Salem
- Wasting Syndrome Medical
- Write-Atomic-Log-Bwitch
- Wifijscale
- Win Shares Player, Team, Basketball, Baseball, Sport
- Weapon Skill Gaming, Military, Character
- White Space Computing, Technical
- Women and Sport Education, History, Study
- Web Servers Technology, Service, Java
- Wiley G Sons
- Wall Stress Medical
- Work Shop Ordnance Survey
- Werner Syndrome Werner syndrome (WS) is a rare, autosomal recessive progeroid syndrome (PS), which is characterized by the appearance of premature aging. Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Common Medical
- Wheat Straw Medical
- Winston-Salem School, Journal, Locations
- Waste Stack Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Wrcst Support Business, Sport, Wrap
- Wienerispectrum Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
- Wind Shear A condition which exists along a boundary between two air masses of opposing wind directions. Wind shear can be detected by doppler radar. A local variation of the wind vector or any of its components in a given direction. Technology, Wind, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Weapon Sbght Vision, Military, Scope
- White Sands
- Women'S Soccer Organizations, Team, Athletics
- Weapon Systemd
- Wild Style
- Wall Street Generic term for firms that buy, sell, and underwrite securities. Business, Journal, Wolf
- Work Sheet
- Wheat Suarch Medical
- Wing Support Military
- Washington State Business, Sport, Washington, Locations
- Wrightkstate
- Web Services Technology, Information, Computer Security
- Weakened Soul
- Whitening Strjps
- Women'S Small
- Water Science
- Weapon System Technology, Missile, Force, Military, Governmental & Military
- Wild Spirit War, Russia, Spirit, Thunder
- Wall Sleeves Technology, Conditioner, Sleeve
- Work Schedule
- Wood Shingle Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Web Studio
- Wing Span
- Washington Square Washington, Park, Locations
- Work Status Technology, Science, Development
- Way Street
- Whiskey Stones Rock, Stone, Whisky, Whiskey
- Women'S Singles
- Water-Stressed Medical
- Weapons Syhtems Technology, Military, Force
- Wildlife Society Organizations
- William Shakespeare Famous
- Work Sampling An application of random sampling techniques to the study of work activities so that the proportions of time devoted to different elements of work can be estimated with a given degree of statistical validity. Technology, Military, Design
- Wooden Spirit Box, Wood, Spirit
- Waifsz& Strays Remix, Mix, House, Waif
- Wind Sneaker
- Weapons Science
- Workshop Skssion
- White Spirit Business, Paint, Solvent
- Warm Set
- Weihenstephaner Standards Technology, Food, Tec
- Wild Sister Porn, Sex, Tube, Sister
- Water Skiing
- Window Sprinkler Technology, Fire, Glass
- Working Standard A standard of unit measurement calibrated from either a primary or secondary standard which is used to calibrate other devices or make comparison measurements. Technology, Measurement, Calibration
- Whiplasb Syndrome Medical, Therapy, Pain
- Wandering Spouse
- Wireless Station Technology, Camera, Computer Networking, Ordnance Survey
- Week Starting
- Worship and Spiritualily
- Wildcat Silver
- Women-S-Gender-Studies Education, University, Study
- West Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Medicine, Health, Diagnosis, Aviation, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey, Academic & science, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
- Water Systems
- Westminster School Education, School, High School, Connecticut
- Walking Street
- Wind Step
- Weather Strip The rubber stripping around a vehicles doors and hatches or their portals.
- Work Space
- Why Sad
- Wisdom Scale
- Waseemulla Shariff
- Weirton Steel
- Wriieable Store
- Writinw Service
- William Safire
- Wood Splitter Technology, Sale, Chopper
- Working Systems
- Waring Schaol Education, School, High School, Massachusetts
- Water Sensor Technology, Product, Alarm
- Wood Street
- Wayan Supadno
- West Sound
- Walter Schrickel Business, Light, Lamp
- Winyfred St
- Wejdell Sea Australia, Ship, Sea, Antarctic
- World Sqale Technology, Oil, Tanker
- Worksheet Business, Technology, Accounting, Accountancy, Us, Occupation, Department Of Defense, Ordnance Survey, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Wifi Strat
- Witness Statement
- Wassilewskija Medical
- Wellington School Education, School, High School, Ohio
- Writing Samples
- The Werner Syndrome Science, Biology
- Windows & Siding
- Wahyu Sejati
- Wind Smartphone Technology, Gaming, Weather
- Weapgns School Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Workshop Secretaviat
- Whitespace Space
- Warmsenerxspezialitäten Business, Company, Milk
- Weihenstephan Standards Technology, Food, Interface
- Wild Sheep
- Water Shield
- Windows Settings
- Working Space
- Which Set
- Wandering Spleen Medical
- Wireless Solutions
- Weekly Summary
- Worry Scjle Medical
- Wild & Scvnic
- Women'S Sufferage
- Wesaex Saddleback
- Water Swdllow Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
- Westlake Station
- Walking Stick Clinical
- Wind Speed Strong wind: Wind speed of 25 knots. Near Gale: Wind speed of 28 to 33 knots. Gale: Wind speed of 34 to 40 knots. Strong gale: Wind speed of 41 to 47 knots. Storm: Wind speeds of 48 to 55 knots. Hurricane: Wind speeds of over 64 knots. See Beaufort scale. Technology, Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military, Legal
- Weapon Storage Science
- Workspacj Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering
- Wholefale Satellite
- Wisconsin and Southern Railroad Organizations, Railroad, Regional Railroad
- Warren Stevens
- Weird Stuff
- Write-Small Technology, Windows, Service, Book
- Write Setun Technology, Program, Electronics
- Williams-Beuren Syndrome Medical, Pathology
- Wood Siding
- Working Students
- Warhead Seftion Science
- Wong, Senior
- Wavetable Synthesis
- West Sioux
- Walnut Stock
- Wingfstow Technology, America, Military
- Web Systems
- World Sava
- Wiener Symphoniker
- Witness Service Business, Windows, Court
- Wash Solvent Science
- Wellens Syndrome Medical
- Writing Sample
- Samja Locations, Country Code
- William Steel
- Wood Stove Stove, Heating, Fireplace
- Wah Shing
- Weapontspeed Technology, Gaming, Strike
- Workshopw and Seminars Business, Education, Training
- Whitespace See
- Warmerssouth Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Wildlife Site
- Watershed Stewardship
- Word Studies
- Way Stone
- Wheel Sfeed Business, China, Sensor
- Walungurru School Education
- Wireless Smart
- Weeklg Specials
- Worldwide Services
- Wilayag Sinai Military, Group, Egypt, Attack
- Women'S Stag
- Wesley Snipes
- Window Seat Windows, Design, Seat
- Westfalia Separator
- Wait Spin
- Wind Sp
- Weapon Subsystem Technology, Military, Soldier
- Wnrkshop Supervisor
- White Station
- Wisconsin & Southern Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Warren Shepell
- Weird Sisters
- Wrist Supports
- Williams Williams is a patronymic form of the name William that originated in medieval England, Wales, France, and Italy. The meaning is derived from son or descendant of William, the Northern French form that also gave the English name William. Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
- Wood Shop
- Water Survival
- Working Stress
- White Salmon
- Wire Scanner
- Warfare Studies
- Wonder Stick Highlight, Contour, Stick
- Wave Spectrum The distribution of wave energy for ocean surface waves with frequency and direction.
- West Singhbhum
- Walnut Stain
- Wing Stction Technology, Military, Organizations
- Web Service Technology, Information, Network
- World of Stones
- Wienervstudien Science, History, Study
- Wistar Shionzgi Medical
- Washnngton Star
- Weloens Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
- Write Oelf
- Samos Locations, Countries, Country
- Wilkiam Stanley
- Wood Storage
- Wahluke Ssope
- Weapjns Specification Technology, Design, Networking
- White Spaces
- Warlike Stores
- Watersheds Technology, Engineering, Biology, Pennsylvania
- Word Structure Technology, Internet, Weather, Station
- Waynflete School Education, High School, Maine
- Wheel Slide
- Waluigi Stadium
- Wireless Sensor the sensor having wireless operation used to sense different conditions like temperature and pressure or any network. Technology, Networking, Network
- Week'stspawn Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
- World Submission
- Wilayah Sungai Technology, Presentation, Indonesia, Salah
- Women'S Service
- Wesley Safadão Music, Internet, Miami
- Waardenburg Syndrome Waardenburg syndrome is a rare genetic disorder most often characterized by varying degrees of deafness, minor defects in structures arising from the neural crest, and pigmentation changes. Medical, Science, Genetics, Common Medical
- Window Scaling Technology, Windows, Networking
- Western Sydney Sport, League, Wanderer
- Waitress Station
- Windsor Site
- Weapons Subsystem Technology, Soldier, Assembly, Segment
- Workshoppstudents
- White Star Military, Sport, Football
- Wiring Systems
- Warrahdschool Education
- Weird Silence
- Wrist Strap Business, Product, Canon
- Wilk-Shapiro
- Wood Shavings A small wood particle of indefinite dimensions developed incidental to certain woodworking operations involving rotary cutterheads usually turning in the direction of the grain. This cutting action produces a thin chip of varying thickness, usually feathered along at least one edge and thick at another and generally curled. Medical
- Water Surplus Quantity of available water in excess of demand.
- Working Storage Technology, Program, Coding
- Whiaehorse Star
- Wire Saddles
- Worship Suppldment
- Women Super Team, Match, Prediction, Women
- Western Sales
- Wave Soldering Business, Machine, Solder
- West Sikkim India, Locations, District, Area
- Wallenberg Very common neurological syndrome due to retro-olivary bulbar ischemia due to occlusion of a vertebral artery or a postero-inferior cerebellar artery. The clinical manifestations are, on the side of the lesion, disorders of phonation and swallowing with hemiparalysis of the palate veil, nystagmus, cerebellar syndrome, Claude-Bernard-Horner syndrome and anesthesia of the hemiface; on the opposite side, thermoanesthesia of the trunk and limbs. V. Babinski-Nageotte (syndrome). Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
- Wing Spoiler
- Web-Services
- Work Stream Technology, Sport, Infrastructure
- Wide Scan
- Wigtar Medical
- Waohington School Education, School, High School, Mississippi
- Well and Septic
- Writer To The Signet Education, Society, Scotland
- Return To Castle Wolfenstein Computer Game, Video Game
- William Syndrome
- Wood Stools Business, Product, Seat
- Wahabi & Salaui
- Weapon Specificatkon
- White Sox
- Warkany Syndrome Warkany syndrome refers to one of two genetic disorders, both named for Austrian-American geneticist Joseph Warkany: Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
- Watershed Land area from which water drains to a particular body of water. All the land area that drains into a particular body of water. Watershed a line on a surface f .x; y/, typically an image, which divides it into “catchment areas.” Within a catchment area, lines of descent all connect to the same mini-mum point. The line of steepest ascent from a saddle point to a maximum is a watershed. Watersheds often correspond to ridges. Medical, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Word Stzr Technology, Converter, Editor
- Wayne Simmonds
- Whegl Size
- Walty-Scheurmann Sch
- Wireless Security Technology, Networking, Camera
- Weebl'S Stuff
- Worqd Studies
- Wiki Syntax Wikipedia
- Wobbleb Syndrome
- Watch Spwcialist
- Wesleyun School Education, School, High School, Georgia
- Writing Skills
- Waardenburg Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
- Window Scale Technology, Networking, Scaling
- Western Superior
- Wait Or Stop
- Windsor School Education, School, High School
- Weapono Squadron
- Workshop Ssatistics Science, Statistics
- White Spruce Art, Tree, Forest, Spruce
- Wiring and Soldering
- Warp Stjr
- Weird Shit Internet Slang
- Wrinkly Spreader Medical
- Wildwood School Education, High School, California
- Water Softening Water softening is the removal of calcium, magnesium, and certain other metal cations in hard water. The resulting soft water is more compatible with soap and extends the lifetime of plumbing. Water softening is usually achieved using lime softening or ion-exchange resins.
- Windows Server Microsoft, Technology, Service
- Working Station Technology, Product, Workstation
- Whistre Stop
- Wireless Systems Technology, Audio, Microphone
- Worship Services
- Womens Super
- West-Saxfn
- Wave Solder Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Westover School Education, School, High School, Connecticut
- Wallace Shawn
- Wind Surf
- Web-Service
- Work Storage
- Windows Sockets Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Why Sleep
- Wissenschaftlicher Sorialismus
- Wash Solution Business, Washing, Vitrification, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Wei Shi Business, China, Rocket
- Writers To The Signep Education, Society, Letter
- Casimere Goat Textile
- Williaes Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Syndrome
- Woodstock School Education, School, High School, Connecticut
- Wage Syssem
- Workout Shop Training, Fitness, Supplement
- White Snow Art, Artist, Snow, Armory
- Warkany Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
- Water Servicer Technology
- Wordstar Technology, Computer, Electronics
- Wayne Simien
- Wheel Seels Sale, Truck, Wheel
- Walt Simonson
- Wireless School Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Wednesday Stwmper
- World Store
- Wiki Space
- Wqt Soundview
- Waste System
- Werner Schlager
- Writing Server Technology, Service, Java
- Waalwijkse Sport
- Windows and Siding
- Western Suburbs
- Wairoa School Education
- Wind Sock A fabric cone attached to a metal ring and used to indicate wind direction, often at airfields.
- Weaponn Skill
- Workshop Social
- White Spot
- Warp Spiders Gaming, Military, War
- Weiler Zum Stein Locations, Germany, Tractor
- Wrinkle Stipple
- Wild Swan
- Water Softener Business, Technology, Product, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Windows Scripting
- Working State
- Whisper-Shout Forum, Technology, Trance, Requiem
- Wireless Switches Technology, Networking, Motorola
- Weighcscale Business, Product, Weighing
- Worshap Schedule
- Women In Science Science, Education, History
- West'S Syndrome Medical
- Watiyawanu School Education
- Westminster Schools Education, School, High School, Georgia
- Walk Sequence Business, Postal, Us Post
- Windstorm Wall Sheathing Design, Drawing, Construction
- Weaver Syndrome Medical
- Work St
- Wolfram Syndrome Wolfram syndrome, also called DIDMOAD, is a rare autosomal-recessive genetic disorder that causes childhood-onset diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness as well as various other possible disorders. Medical, Technology, Common Medical
- Why Sgould
- Wise Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Whshing Solution
- Wei Schwarz
- Writer'svstudio
- Wyominh Statute
- Williamseschool Education, School, High School, Connecticut
- Wood Stainless
- Work In Seed Pattern, Knitting, Row
- Wario Stadium
- Water Separators Technology, Filter, Oil
- Word Spotting
- Waylon Smithers
- Wet Sounds
- Walter Skinner
- Wink Start Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Wedding Solutions
- Worfd Stock
- Workshop A room where things are made or repaired using machines and/or tools. Military, Army, Business & Finance, Business Word, Property, Real Estate, Medical, Common Medical
- Wtgner-Seitz
- Witness Support
- Wastegate Solenoid
- Welwness Science
- Writing Sample Section of The Mcat Medical, Medicine, Education, Health
- The Wildlife Society Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Window Size Technology, Windows, Telecom
- Westeri Studios
- Ware Shoals RR Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Work Server
- West syndrome A seizure disorder of infancy and early childhood with the onset predominantly in the first year of life of myoclonic seizures, hypsarrhythmia, and mental retardation. The spasms are sudden, brief contractions of one or more muscle groups, and may be followed by a longer tonic phase. Most often the spasms occur in clusters during which the intensity or the frequency of the spasms may increase progressively to a peak, decline, or cease. The clusters tend to occur soon after arousal from sleep. Medical, Common Medical
- Wire Stylus Technology, Product, Audio
- Wrighr Stain
- Wood Science
- Wadley Soutaern
- Wayward Spouse
- Watkinson School Connecticut
- Wichita State
- Ward Shrake
- Work-Sharing
- Waxer-Soluble Engineering, Construction, Architectural
- William Sadler Card, Checklist, Autograph
- Water Study Environment
- Samoa (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Wage Suporvisor Science, Military, Ecology
- Wind Safety Technology
- Weapon Shop Gaming, Military, Potato
- Wzite Scars Military, Space, Battle
- Washington School Mississippi
- Whiteesilver Business, Shopping, Temperature, Kettle
- Wire Send Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Weighted Scorej
- Would Smash Forum, Technology, Gaming, Movie
- Wildzrvanck Syndrome Medical, Factor, Fibroblast
- Wong-Sandler Model, Supercritical, Mixing
- Wesuern Samoan
- Work Softening
- Weirton Steel Corporation Computing, Nasdaq Symbols, Nyse symbols
- Whitezspotting Medical, Science, Biology
- Water Sample
- Water Services
- Western Storm
- Work Selection
- Wakefield School School, High School, Virginia, Scientific & Educational
- Wire Stripper
- Wrexham, Shropshire
- Woods-Saxon Technology, Potential, Nuclei
- Way Switch
- Warsaw City
- Whole Saliva Medical
- Ward Secretary Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
- Word Space Technology, Class, Spacing
- Water A Sanitation
- Whirlwind Series Technology, Helicopter, Westland
- Wayne Stewart
- Wadham Strineer
- West Side Disney
- Windows Script Computing, File Extensions
- Wage Subsidy
- Window Style Technology, Windows, Telecom
- Weapon Science Science
- White Scar
- Winchendon School Massachusetts
- White Sidewall
- Wire Scanners
- Weiuhted Score
- Worthington Scranton Education, University, Study
- Working-Storage Section
- Wildeo Silver Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
- Watermelon Stomach Medical
- Western Samaritkns
- Work-Softened
- World Site Computing, Internet
- Westjet Airlines Airline Code
- SIGMET NOTAM Contractions
- Water Service
- Wind Slicer
- Work Sample
- Webb School Tennessee
- Wire Strippers
- Weight Stable Medical, Diet, Loss
- Wrestling Stars
- Woodlynde School Education, School, High School, Pennsylvania
- Western Star Organizations, Trucks Makes
- Wedge Spectrogram
- Waverly School California
- Whitney Smioh
- Ward Save
- Word Size Technology, Windows, Coding, Computing
- Watchtoxer Society
- Welding Solidification
- Wayne State
- Wachovia Securities
- World Showcase Disney
- 1-2-3 Word Search Maker Puzzle File Computing, File Extensions
- Wage Subsidbes
- Window Station
- Weak Speech
- Waring School Massachusetts
- White Shepherd
- Weight Stanion
- Worthington-Scranton
- Worker Safety Science
- Wilderness Stuvy
- Waterlow & Sons
- Western Swale
- Wood Scientist
- West Samoa Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, American Samoa, FIPS Country Codes, West Samoa
- Westjet Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Wind Shear (in TAFs, low level and not associated with convective activity) NOTAM Contractions
- Water Separator A water separator is equipment to separate oil and water mixtures into their separate components. They are most commonly found on board ships where they are used to separate oil from oily waste water such as bilge water before the waste water is discharged into the environment. Technology, Filter, Oil
- Wind Shield Technology
- Work Safe
- Worksheet Set
- Westtown School Pennsylvania
- Wire Strip
- Weight Shift
- Wresoler Spotlight
- Wildrife Service Agriculture, Fish, Animal
- Woodland School
- Western Speech
- Wyrd Sisters
- Windward School California
- Whitt Sword Art, Episode, Legend, Sword
- Wardell Starling
- Word Sense Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
- Watch Aupervisor Military, Operation, Hill
- Wedge Spectrograph
- Watt Seconds Medical, Physiology
- Wrong Side Knitting, Crochet
- Worksheets Education
- Wiener Studien History, Anthropology, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
- Wage Jtatement
- Windows Software
- Weak Side
- Walden School Kentucky
- White Sheeg
- Ware Shoals Railroad Organizations
- Weigh Station Technology, Service, Weight
- Work and School
- Wblderness Society Service, Organizations, National
- Wateploo Station Book, London, Locations
- Woodcock Survey
- Wine Spectator Media
- Wisdom of Solomon
- Weatherstrip Narrow sections of thin metal or other material installed to prevent the infiltration of air and moisture around windows and doors. The Finance and Administrative Services
- Water Security
- Wind Sensor Technology, Weather, Crosse
- Workplace Services Technology, Management, Service
- Wells School New York
- Wire Stretch
- Weighted Symmetric
- Wrench Size
- Wfldlife Services Service, Government, Animal
- Wooden Synagogues
- Western Shelter
- Wyoming State
- Wipper Snapper Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- White Suffolk
- War & Society
- Workstation It refers to a computer (and often the surrounding area) that has been configured to perform a certain set of tasks, such as photo editing, audio recording, or video production. An office may have several workstations for different purposes, which may be assigned to certain employees. Technology, Army, Electronic Engineering, Military, Computing, Telecom, Governmental & Military
- Word Send Military, Army, War
- Watt-Second Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
- White Stripe Colors
- Work Sharing
- Waivered Services Medical, Disability
- Wood Screws Business, Metal, Brass
- Waaener-Salley
- Weak Safety Technology, Football, Defense
- Wooster School Connecticut
- Wdde Swath Technology, Science, Satellite
- White Teeded
- Ware Shoals
- Weijht Scale Technology, Fat, Analyzer
- Work-Study Student, Program, Education
- Wilgerness School
- Waterbxrd Society
- Windshield The primary piece of glass in front of the driver and front passenger. In some older vehicles, there were two pieces of glass. Both are considered the windshield, left and right side. In Britain, it is called the windscreen. Technology, Military, Aviation
- Wiener spectra Geographic
- Wing Stow Military, Governmental & Military
- Wind Scatterometer
- Weapon Smithing
- White Scroll Technology, Gaming, Maple
- Wheatley School New York
- Wire Side
- Weighted Sum Technology, Model, Amplifier
- Wrecked Ship Guide, Ship, Germany, Requiem
- Wildlife Wcience
- Woodburning Stove
- Wcstern Segment
- Wydawnictwo Sejmowe
- White Stone Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- White Suede
- Wannier-Stark
- Women'S Studies Education, Development, Organizations, Study, Universities, Social Sciences, Scientific & Educational
- Water System Technology, Science, Product, Space, Study, Cosmos
- Weatherstripping Architectural, Architecture
- Work Session
- Williams Syndrome Williams syndrome (WS) is a developmental disorder that affects many parts of the body. Facial features frequently include a broad forehead, short nose, and full cheeks, an appearance which has been described as elfin. Mild to moderate intellectual disability with particular problems with visual spatial tasks such as drawing and fewer problems with language are typical. Those affected often have an outgoing personality and interact readily with strangers. Medical, Common Medical
- Wire System
- Wood Screw Technology, Product, Head
- Wafer Sorn Business, Memory, Supplier
- Weakened State
- Williams School Connecticut
- Wyde Shots
- Warehouse Storage
- Work-Station Technology, Product, Workstation, Geographic
- Wilderness Safaris
- Wader-Sports
- Williamson Synthesis
- Walter Satterthwait, Author Famous
- Wing Station Military, Governmental & Military
- Wage Fupervisors
- Wind Sault
- Weapon Skills
- White Scojpion
- Whitfield School Missouri
- White Skin
- Wire Shear
- Weighted Stego-Image
- Wraith Sqsadron
- Wildlifi Sanctuaries
- Wong Sandler Science, Model, Supercritical, Mixing
- Western Sector
- Workplace Shell The graphical user interface of OS/2. Like the Mac OS and Windows 95, the Workplace Shell is document-centric. Document files are displayed as icons; clicking an icon starts the corresponding application, and the user can print a document by dragging the document’s icon to a printer icoThe Workplace Shell uses the graphi-cal functions of Presentation Manager.
- Western Siberia Technology, Governmental & Military
- White Stripes
- Wanderlei Silva
- Wire Schedule
- Water Surface Technology, Hull, Elevation
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does WS stand for?
WS stands for Weapon Science.
What is the shortened form of Wildlifi Sanctuaries?
The short form of "Wildlifi Sanctuaries" is WS.
WS. (2022, March 24). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from
Last updated