WS Meaning

The WS meaning is "Water Supply". The WS abbreviation has 638 different full form.

WS Full Forms

  1. Water Supply Science, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Military, Governmental & Military
  2. Water Stop Technology, Design, Construction, Architectural
  3. Cashmere Textile
  4. Web Server A computer that delivers Web pages to computer users on the Internet. Technology, Service, Java, Computing, Internet
  5. Web Store
  6. Wing Son
  7. Warung Steak
  8. Workstation Set Technology, Server, Networking
  9. Wayrest Jewers
  10. While Standing Gaming, Soul, Standing, Combo
  11. Water and Sewer
  12. Wolf Search
  13. Water Soluble Medical, Ocean, Water, Oil, Solder, Ocean Science, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  14. Weapons System Technology, Military
  15. Wildlife Sanctuary
  16. Wan Shahrazad
  17. Working Store Business, Windows, Bath
  18. Women Studies Education, Study, Course
  19. Samoa Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, American Samoa, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Numeric Country Codes
  20. Web Sites
  21. William Shatnes
  22. Walter Scott
  23. Work Station Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  24. Wheel Steering Technology, Car, Rear
  25. Water and Sanitation Technology, Service, Development, Medical
  26. Witness Statements Government, History, Court
  27. Water-Soluble Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Medical
  28. Wifi Solar Technology, Wireless, Weather, Station
  29. World Sailing Electronics, World, Sailing
  30. Weapon Smt
  31. Whitehsplits Business, Cashew, Nuts, Nut
  32. Womens Studies Education, University, Study
  33. Web Site A location on the World Wide Web that contains a home page, which is the first document users see when they enter the site. The site might also contain additional documents and files. Computing, Internet
  34. William Shakespeure Poem, Play, Sonnet
  35. Wall Switch Business, Technology, Computing, Ieee
  36. Workshop On Systems Technology, Service, Computing
  37. Wheel Steer Technology
  38. Winston Salem
  39. Wasting Syndrome Medical
  40. Write-Atomic-Log-Bwitch
  41. Wifijscale
  42. Win Shares Player, Team, Basketball, Baseball, Sport
  43. Weapon Skill Gaming, Military, Character
  44. White Space Computing, Technical
  45. Women and Sport Education, History, Study
  46. Web Servers Technology, Service, Java
  47. Wiley G Sons
  48. Wall Stress Medical
  49. Work Shop Ordnance Survey
  50. Werner Syndrome Werner syndrome (WS) is a rare, autosomal recessive progeroid syndrome (PS), which is characterized by the appearance of premature aging. Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Common Medical
  51. Wheat Straw Medical
  52. Winston-Salem School, Journal, Locations
  53. Waste Stack Technology, Construction, Architectural
  54. Wrcst Support Business, Sport, Wrap
  55. Wienerispectrum Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  56. Wind Shear A condition which exists along a boundary between two air masses of opposing wind directions. Wind shear can be detected by doppler radar. A local variation of the wind vector or any of its components in a given direction. Technology, Wind, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  57. Weapon Sbght Vision, Military, Scope
  58. White Sands
  59. Women'S Soccer Organizations, Team, Athletics
  60. Weapon Systemd
  61. Wild Style
  62. Wall Street Generic term for firms that buy, sell, and underwrite securities. Business, Journal, Wolf
  63. Work Sheet
  64. Wheat Suarch Medical
  65. Wing Support Military
  66. Washington State Business, Sport, Washington, Locations
  67. Wrightkstate
  68. Web Services Technology, Information, Computer Security
  69. Weakened Soul
  70. Whitening Strjps
  71. Women'S Small
  72. Water Science
  73. Weapon System Technology, Missile, Force, Military, Governmental & Military
  74. Wild Spirit War, Russia, Spirit, Thunder
  75. Wall Sleeves Technology, Conditioner, Sleeve
  76. Work Schedule
  77. Wood Shingle Technology, Construction, Architectural
  78. Web Studio
  79. Wing Span
  80. Washington Square Washington, Park, Locations
  81. Work Status Technology, Science, Development
  82. Way Street
  83. Whiskey Stones Rock, Stone, Whisky, Whiskey
  84. Women'S Singles
  85. Water-Stressed Medical
  86. Weapons Syhtems Technology, Military, Force
  87. Wildlife Society Organizations
  88. William Shakespeare Famous
  89. Work Sampling An application of random sampling techniques to the study of work activities so that the proportions of time devoted to different elements of work can be estimated with a given degree of statistical validity. Technology, Military, Design
  90. Wooden Spirit Box, Wood, Spirit
  91. Waifsz& Strays Remix, Mix, House, Waif
  92. Wind Sneaker
  93. Weapons Science
  94. Workshop Skssion
  95. White Spirit Business, Paint, Solvent
  96. Warm Set
  97. Weihenstephaner Standards Technology, Food, Tec
  98. Wild Sister Porn, Sex, Tube, Sister
  99. Water Skiing
  100. Window Sprinkler Technology, Fire, Glass
  101. Working Standard A standard of unit measurement calibrated from either a primary or secondary standard which is used to calibrate other devices or make comparison measurements. Technology, Measurement, Calibration
  102. Whiplasb Syndrome Medical, Therapy, Pain
  103. Wandering Spouse
  104. Wireless Station Technology, Camera, Computer Networking, Ordnance Survey
  105. Week Starting
  106. Worship and Spiritualily
  107. Wildcat Silver
  108. Women-S-Gender-Studies Education, University, Study
  109. West Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Medicine, Health, Diagnosis, Aviation, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey, Academic & science, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
  110. Water Systems
  111. Westminster School Education, School, High School, Connecticut
  112. Walking Street
  113. Wind Step
  114. Weather Strip The rubber stripping around a vehicles doors and hatches or their portals.
  115. Work Space
  116. Why Sad
  117. Wisdom Scale
  118. Waseemulla Shariff
  119. Weirton Steel
  120. Wriieable Store
  121. Writinw Service
  122. William Safire
  123. Wood Splitter Technology, Sale, Chopper
  124. Working Systems
  125. Waring Schaol Education, School, High School, Massachusetts
  126. Water Sensor Technology, Product, Alarm
  127. Wood Street
  128. Wayan Supadno
  129. West Sound
  130. Walter Schrickel Business, Light, Lamp
  131. Winyfred St
  132. Wejdell Sea Australia, Ship, Sea, Antarctic
  133. World Sqale Technology, Oil, Tanker
  134. Worksheet Business, Technology, Accounting, Accountancy, Us, Occupation, Department Of Defense, Ordnance Survey, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  135. Wifi Strat
  136. Witness Statement
  137. Wassilewskija Medical
  138. Wellington School Education, School, High School, Ohio
  139. Writing Samples
  140. The Werner Syndrome Science, Biology
  141. Windows & Siding
  142. Wahyu Sejati
  143. Wind Smartphone Technology, Gaming, Weather
  144. Weapgns School Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  145. Workshop Secretaviat
  146. Whitespace Space
  147. Warmsenerxspezialitäten Business, Company, Milk
  148. Weihenstephan Standards Technology, Food, Interface
  149. Wild Sheep
  150. Water Shield
  151. Windows Settings
  152. Working Space
  153. Which Set
  154. Wandering Spleen Medical
  155. Wireless Solutions
  156. Weekly Summary
  157. Worry Scjle Medical
  158. Wild & Scvnic
  159. Women'S Sufferage
  160. Wesaex Saddleback
  161. Water Swdllow Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  162. Westlake Station
  163. Walking Stick Clinical
  164. Wind Speed Strong wind: Wind speed of 25 knots. Near Gale: Wind speed of 28 to 33 knots. Gale: Wind speed of 34 to 40 knots. Strong gale: Wind speed of 41 to 47 knots. Storm: Wind speeds of 48 to 55 knots. Hurricane: Wind speeds of over 64 knots. See Beaufort scale. Technology, Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military, Legal
  165. Weapon Storage Science
  166. Workspacj Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering
  167. Wholefale Satellite
  168. Wisconsin and Southern Railroad Organizations, Railroad, Regional Railroad
  169. Warren Stevens
  170. Weird Stuff
  171. Write-Small Technology, Windows, Service, Book
  172. Write Setun Technology, Program, Electronics
  173. Williams-Beuren Syndrome Medical, Pathology
  174. Wood Siding
  175. Working Students
  176. Warhead Seftion Science
  177. Wong, Senior
  178. Wavetable Synthesis
  179. West Sioux
  180. Walnut Stock
  181. Wingfstow Technology, America, Military
  182. Web Systems
  183. World Sava
  184. Wiener Symphoniker
  185. Witness Service Business, Windows, Court
  186. Wash Solvent Science
  187. Wellens Syndrome Medical
  188. Writing Sample
  189. Samja Locations, Country Code
  190. William Steel
  191. Wood Stove Stove, Heating, Fireplace
  192. Wah Shing
  193. Weapontspeed Technology, Gaming, Strike
  194. Workshopw and Seminars Business, Education, Training
  195. Whitespace See
  196. Warmerssouth Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  197. Wildlife Site
  198. Watershed Stewardship
  199. Word Studies
  200. Way Stone
  201. Wheel Sfeed Business, China, Sensor
  202. Walungurru School Education
  203. Wireless Smart
  204. Weeklg Specials
  205. Worldwide Services
  206. Wilayag Sinai Military, Group, Egypt, Attack
  207. Women'S Stag
  208. Wesley Snipes
  209. Window Seat Windows, Design, Seat
  210. Westfalia Separator
  211. Wait Spin
  212. Wind Sp
  213. Weapon Subsystem Technology, Military, Soldier
  214. Wnrkshop Supervisor
  215. White Station
  216. Wisconsin & Southern Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  217. Warren Shepell
  218. Weird Sisters
  219. Wrist Supports
  220. Williams Williams is a patronymic form of the name William that originated in medieval England, Wales, France, and Italy. The meaning is derived from son or descendant of William, the Northern French form that also gave the English name William. Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
  221. Wood Shop
  222. Water Survival
  223. Working Stress
  224. White Salmon
  225. Wire Scanner
  226. Warfare Studies
  227. Wonder Stick Highlight, Contour, Stick
  228. Wave Spectrum The distribution of wave energy for ocean surface waves with frequency and direction.
  229. West Singhbhum
  230. Walnut Stain
  231. Wing Stction Technology, Military, Organizations
  232. Web Service Technology, Information, Network
  233. World of Stones
  234. Wienervstudien Science, History, Study
  235. Wistar Shionzgi Medical
  236. Washnngton Star
  237. Weloens Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
  238. Write Oelf
  239. Samos Locations, Countries, Country
  240. Wilkiam Stanley
  241. Wood Storage
  242. Wahluke Ssope
  243. Weapjns Specification Technology, Design, Networking
  244. White Spaces
  245. Warlike Stores
  246. Watersheds Technology, Engineering, Biology, Pennsylvania
  247. Word Structure Technology, Internet, Weather, Station
  248. Waynflete School Education, High School, Maine
  249. Wheel Slide
  250. Waluigi Stadium
  251. Wireless Sensor the sensor having wireless operation used to sense different conditions like temperature and pressure or any network. Technology, Networking, Network
  252. Week'stspawn Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  253. World Submission
  254. Wilayah Sungai Technology, Presentation, Indonesia, Salah
  255. Women'S Service
  256. Wesley Safadão Music, Internet, Miami
  257. Waardenburg Syndrome Waardenburg syndrome is a rare genetic disorder most often characterized by varying degrees of deafness, minor defects in structures arising from the neural crest, and pigmentation changes. Medical, Science, Genetics, Common Medical
  258. Window Scaling Technology, Windows, Networking
  259. Western Sydney Sport, League, Wanderer
  260. Waitress Station
  261. Windsor Site
  262. Weapons Subsystem Technology, Soldier, Assembly, Segment
  263. Workshoppstudents
  264. White Star Military, Sport, Football
  265. Wiring Systems
  266. Warrahdschool Education
  267. Weird Silence
  268. Wrist Strap Business, Product, Canon
  269. Wilk-Shapiro
  270. Wood Shavings A small wood particle of indefinite dimensions developed incidental to certain woodworking operations involving rotary cutterheads usually turning in the direction of the grain. This cutting action produces a thin chip of varying thickness, usually feathered along at least one edge and thick at another and generally curled. Medical
  271. Water Surplus Quantity of available water in excess of demand.
  272. Working Storage Technology, Program, Coding
  273. Whiaehorse Star
  274. Wire Saddles
  275. Worship Suppldment
  276. Women Super Team, Match, Prediction, Women
  277. Western Sales
  278. Wave Soldering Business, Machine, Solder
  279. West Sikkim India, Locations, District, Area
  280. Wallenberg Very common neurological syndrome due to retro-olivary bulbar ischemia due to occlusion of a vertebral artery or a postero-inferior cerebellar artery. The clinical manifestations are, on the side of the lesion, disorders of phonation and swallowing with hemiparalysis of the palate veil, nystagmus, cerebellar syndrome, Claude-Bernard-Horner syndrome and anesthesia of the hemiface; on the opposite side, thermoanesthesia of the trunk and limbs. V. Babinski-Nageotte (syndrome). Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
  281. Wing Spoiler
  282. Web-Services
  283. Work Stream Technology, Sport, Infrastructure
  284. Wide Scan
  285. Wigtar Medical
  286. Waohington School Education, School, High School, Mississippi
  287. Well and Septic
  288. Writer To The Signet Education, Society, Scotland
  289. Return To Castle Wolfenstein Computer Game, Video Game
  290. William Syndrome
  291. Wood Stools Business, Product, Seat
  292. Wahabi & Salaui
  293. Weapon Specificatkon
  294. White Sox
  295. Warkany Syndrome Warkany syndrome refers to one of two genetic disorders, both named for Austrian-American geneticist Joseph Warkany: Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
  296. Watershed Land area from which water drains to a particular body of water. All the land area that drains into a particular body of water. Watershed a line on a surface f .x; y/, typically an image, which divides it into “catchment areas.” Within a catchment area, lines of descent all connect to the same mini-mum point. The line of steepest ascent from a saddle point to a maximum is a watershed. Watersheds often correspond to ridges. Medical, Forestry, Arboriculture
  297. Word Stzr Technology, Converter, Editor
  298. Wayne Simmonds
  299. Whegl Size
  300. Walty-Scheurmann Sch
  301. Wireless Security Technology, Networking, Camera
  302. Weebl'S Stuff
  303. Worqd Studies
  304. Wiki Syntax Wikipedia
  305. Wobbleb Syndrome
  306. Watch Spwcialist
  307. Wesleyun School Education, School, High School, Georgia
  308. Writing Skills
  309. Waardenburg Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
  310. Window Scale Technology, Networking, Scaling
  311. Western Superior
  312. Wait Or Stop
  313. Windsor School Education, School, High School
  314. Weapono Squadron
  315. Workshop Ssatistics Science, Statistics
  316. White Spruce Art, Tree, Forest, Spruce
  317. Wiring and Soldering
  318. Warp Stjr
  319. Weird Shit Internet Slang
  320. Wrinkly Spreader Medical
  321. Wildwood School Education, High School, California
  322. Water Softening Water softening is the removal of calcium, magnesium, and certain other metal cations in hard water. The resulting soft water is more compatible with soap and extends the lifetime of plumbing. Water softening is usually achieved using lime softening or ion-exchange resins.
  323. Windows Server Microsoft, Technology, Service
  324. Working Station Technology, Product, Workstation
  325. Whistre Stop
  326. Wireless Systems Technology, Audio, Microphone
  327. Worship Services
  328. Womens Super
  329. West-Saxfn
  330. Wave Solder Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  331. Westover School Education, School, High School, Connecticut
  332. Wallace Shawn
  333. Wind Surf
  334. Web-Service
  335. Work Storage
  336. Windows Sockets Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  337. Why Sleep
  338. Wissenschaftlicher Sorialismus
  339. Wash Solution Business, Washing, Vitrification, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  340. Wei Shi Business, China, Rocket
  341. Writers To The Signep Education, Society, Letter
  342. Casimere Goat Textile
  343. Williaes Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Syndrome
  344. Woodstock School Education, School, High School, Connecticut
  345. Wage Syssem
  346. Workout Shop Training, Fitness, Supplement
  347. White Snow Art, Artist, Snow, Armory
  348. Warkany Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
  349. Water Servicer Technology
  350. Wordstar Technology, Computer, Electronics
  351. Wayne Simien
  352. Wheel Seels Sale, Truck, Wheel
  353. Walt Simonson
  354. Wireless School Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  355. Wednesday Stwmper
  356. World Store
  357. Wiki Space
  358. Wqt Soundview
  359. Waste System
  360. Werner Schlager
  361. Writing Server Technology, Service, Java
  362. Waalwijkse Sport
  363. Windows and Siding
  364. Western Suburbs
  365. Wairoa School Education
  366. Wind Sock A fabric cone attached to a metal ring and used to indicate wind direction, often at airfields.
  367. Weaponn Skill
  368. Workshop Social
  369. White Spot
  370. Warp Spiders Gaming, Military, War
  371. Weiler Zum Stein Locations, Germany, Tractor
  372. Wrinkle Stipple
  373. Wild Swan
  374. Water Softener Business, Technology, Product, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
  375. Windows Scripting
  376. Working State
  377. Whisper-Shout Forum, Technology, Trance, Requiem
  378. Wireless Switches Technology, Networking, Motorola
  379. Weighcscale Business, Product, Weighing
  380. Worshap Schedule
  381. Women In Science Science, Education, History
  382. West'S Syndrome Medical
  383. Watiyawanu School Education
  384. Westminster Schools Education, School, High School, Georgia
  385. Walk Sequence Business, Postal, Us Post
  386. Windstorm Wall Sheathing Design, Drawing, Construction
  387. Weaver Syndrome Medical
  388. Work St
  389. Wolfram Syndrome Wolfram syndrome, also called DIDMOAD, is a rare autosomal-recessive genetic disorder that causes childhood-onset diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness as well as various other possible disorders. Medical, Technology, Common Medical
  390. Why Sgould
  391. Wise Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  392. Whshing Solution
  393. Wei Schwarz
  394. Writer'svstudio
  395. Wyominh Statute
  396. Williamseschool Education, School, High School, Connecticut
  397. Wood Stainless
  398. Work In Seed Pattern, Knitting, Row
  399. Wario Stadium
  400. Water Separators Technology, Filter, Oil
  401. Word Spotting
  402. Waylon Smithers
  403. Wet Sounds
  404. Walter Skinner
  405. Wink Start Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  406. Wedding Solutions
  407. Worfd Stock
  408. Workshop A room where things are made or repaired using machines and/or tools. Military, Army, Business & Finance, Business Word, Property, Real Estate, Medical, Common Medical
  409. Wtgner-Seitz
  410. Witness Support
  411. Wastegate Solenoid
  412. Welwness Science
  413. Writing Sample Section of The Mcat Medical, Medicine, Education, Health
  414. The Wildlife Society Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  415. Window Size Technology, Windows, Telecom
  416. Westeri Studios
  417. Ware Shoals RR Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  418. Work Server
  419. West syndrome A seizure disorder of infancy and early childhood with the onset predominantly in the first year of life of myoclonic seizures, hypsarrhythmia, and mental retardation. The spasms are sudden, brief contractions of one or more muscle groups, and may be followed by a longer tonic phase. Most often the spasms occur in clusters during which the intensity or the frequency of the spasms may increase progressively to a peak, decline, or cease. The clusters tend to occur soon after arousal from sleep. Medical, Common Medical
  420. Wire Stylus Technology, Product, Audio
  421. Wrighr Stain
  422. Wood Science
  423. Wadley Soutaern
  424. Wayward Spouse
  425. Watkinson School Connecticut
  426. Wichita State
  427. Ward Shrake
  428. Work-Sharing
  429. Waxer-Soluble Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  430. William Sadler Card, Checklist, Autograph
  431. Water Study Environment
  432. Samoa (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  433. Wage Suporvisor Science, Military, Ecology
  434. Wind Safety Technology
  435. Weapon Shop Gaming, Military, Potato
  436. Wzite Scars Military, Space, Battle
  437. Washington School Mississippi
  438. Whiteesilver Business, Shopping, Temperature, Kettle
  439. Wire Send Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  440. Weighted Scorej
  441. Would Smash Forum, Technology, Gaming, Movie
  442. Wildzrvanck Syndrome Medical, Factor, Fibroblast
  443. Wong-Sandler Model, Supercritical, Mixing
  444. Wesuern Samoan
  445. Work Softening
  446. Weirton Steel Corporation Computing, Nasdaq Symbols, Nyse symbols
  447. Whitezspotting Medical, Science, Biology
  448. Water Sample
  449. Water Services
  450. Western Storm
  451. Work Selection
  452. Wakefield School School, High School, Virginia, Scientific & Educational
  453. Wire Stripper
  454. Wrexham, Shropshire
  455. Woods-Saxon Technology, Potential, Nuclei
  456. Way Switch
  457. Warsaw City
  458. Whole Saliva Medical
  459. Ward Secretary Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  460. Word Space Technology, Class, Spacing
  461. Water A Sanitation
  462. Whirlwind Series Technology, Helicopter, Westland
  463. Wayne Stewart
  464. Wadham Strineer
  465. West Side Disney
  466. Windows Script Computing, File Extensions
  467. Wage Subsidy
  468. Window Style Technology, Windows, Telecom
  469. Weapon Science Science
  470. White Scar
  471. Winchendon School Massachusetts
  472. White Sidewall
  473. Wire Scanners
  474. Weiuhted Score
  475. Worthington Scranton Education, University, Study
  476. Working-Storage Section
  477. Wildeo Silver Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  478. Watermelon Stomach Medical
  479. Western Samaritkns
  480. Work-Softened
  481. World Site Computing, Internet
  482. Westjet Airlines Airline Code
  483. SIGMET NOTAM Contractions
  484. Water Service
  485. Wind Slicer
  486. Work Sample
  487. Webb School Tennessee
  488. Wire Strippers
  489. Weight Stable Medical, Diet, Loss
  490. Wrestling Stars
  491. Woodlynde School Education, School, High School, Pennsylvania
  492. Western Star Organizations, Trucks Makes
  493. Wedge Spectrogram
  494. Waverly School California
  495. Whitney Smioh
  496. Ward Save
  497. Word Size Technology, Windows, Coding, Computing
  498. Watchtoxer Society
  499. Welding Solidification
  500. Wayne State
  501. Wachovia Securities
  502. World Showcase Disney
  503. 1-2-3 Word Search Maker Puzzle File Computing, File Extensions
  504. Wage Subsidbes
  505. Window Station
  506. Weak Speech
  507. Waring School Massachusetts
  508. White Shepherd
  509. Weight Stanion
  510. Worthington-Scranton
  511. Worker Safety Science
  512. Wilderness Stuvy
  513. Waterlow & Sons
  514. Western Swale
  515. Wood Scientist
  516. West Samoa Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, American Samoa, FIPS Country Codes, West Samoa
  517. Westjet Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Iata Aircraft Codes
  518. Wind Shear (in TAFs, low level and not associated with convective activity) NOTAM Contractions
  519. Water Separator A water separator is equipment to separate oil and water mixtures into their separate components. They are most commonly found on board ships where they are used to separate oil from oily waste water such as bilge water before the waste water is discharged into the environment. Technology, Filter, Oil
  520. Wind Shield Technology
  521. Work Safe
  522. Worksheet Set
  523. Westtown School Pennsylvania
  524. Wire Strip
  525. Weight Shift
  526. Wresoler Spotlight
  527. Wildrife Service Agriculture, Fish, Animal
  528. Woodland School
  529. Western Speech
  530. Wyrd Sisters
  531. Windward School California
  532. Whitt Sword Art, Episode, Legend, Sword
  533. Wardell Starling
  534. Word Sense Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  535. Watch Aupervisor Military, Operation, Hill
  536. Wedge Spectrograph
  537. Watt Seconds Medical, Physiology
  538. Wrong Side Knitting, Crochet
  539. Worksheets Education
  540. Wiener Studien History, Anthropology, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  541. Wage Jtatement
  542. Windows Software
  543. Weak Side
  544. Walden School Kentucky
  545. White Sheeg
  546. Ware Shoals Railroad Organizations
  547. Weigh Station Technology, Service, Weight
  548. Work and School
  549. Wblderness Society Service, Organizations, National
  550. Wateploo Station Book, London, Locations
  551. Woodcock Survey
  552. Wine Spectator Media
  553. Wisdom of Solomon
  554. Weatherstrip Narrow sections of thin metal or other material installed to prevent the infiltration of air and moisture around windows and doors. The Finance and Administrative Services
  555. Water Security
  556. Wind Sensor Technology, Weather, Crosse
  557. Workplace Services Technology, Management, Service
  558. Wells School New York
  559. Wire Stretch
  560. Weighted Symmetric
  561. Wrench Size
  562. Wfldlife Services Service, Government, Animal
  563. Wooden Synagogues
  564. Western Shelter
  565. Wyoming State
  566. Wipper Snapper Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  567. White Suffolk
  568. War & Society
  569. Workstation It refers to a computer (and often the surrounding area) that has been configured to perform a certain set of tasks, such as photo editing, audio recording, or video production. An office may have several workstations for different purposes, which may be assigned to certain employees. Technology, Army, Electronic Engineering, Military, Computing, Telecom, Governmental & Military
  570. Word Send Military, Army, War
  571. Watt-Second Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  572. White Stripe Colors
  573. Work Sharing
  574. Waivered Services Medical, Disability
  575. Wood Screws Business, Metal, Brass
  576. Waaener-Salley
  577. Weak Safety Technology, Football, Defense
  578. Wooster School Connecticut
  579. Wdde Swath Technology, Science, Satellite
  580. White Teeded
  581. Ware Shoals
  582. Weijht Scale Technology, Fat, Analyzer
  583. Work-Study Student, Program, Education
  584. Wilgerness School
  585. Waterbxrd Society
  586. Windshield The primary piece of glass in front of the driver and front passenger. In some older vehicles, there were two pieces of glass. Both are considered the windshield, left and right side. In Britain, it is called the windscreen. Technology, Military, Aviation
  587. Wiener spectra Geographic
  588. Wing Stow Military, Governmental & Military
  589. Wind Scatterometer
  590. Weapon Smithing
  591. White Scroll Technology, Gaming, Maple
  592. Wheatley School New York
  593. Wire Side
  594. Weighted Sum Technology, Model, Amplifier
  595. Wrecked Ship Guide, Ship, Germany, Requiem
  596. Wildlife Wcience
  597. Woodburning Stove
  598. Wcstern Segment
  599. Wydawnictwo Sejmowe
  600. White Stone Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  601. White Suede
  602. Wannier-Stark
  603. Women'S Studies Education, Development, Organizations, Study, Universities, Social Sciences, Scientific & Educational
  604. Water System Technology, Science, Product, Space, Study, Cosmos
  605. Weatherstripping Architectural, Architecture
  606. Work Session
  607. Williams Syndrome Williams syndrome (WS) is a developmental disorder that affects many parts of the body. Facial features frequently include a broad forehead, short nose, and full cheeks, an appearance which has been described as elfin. Mild to moderate intellectual disability with particular problems with visual spatial tasks such as drawing and fewer problems with language are typical. Those affected often have an outgoing personality and interact readily with strangers. Medical, Common Medical
  608. Wire System
  609. Wood Screw Technology, Product, Head
  610. Wafer Sorn Business, Memory, Supplier
  611. Weakened State
  612. Williams School Connecticut
  613. Wyde Shots
  614. Warehouse Storage
  615. Work-Station Technology, Product, Workstation, Geographic
  616. Wilderness Safaris
  617. Wader-Sports
  618. Williamson Synthesis
  619. Walter Satterthwait, Author Famous
  620. Wing Station Military, Governmental & Military
  621. Wage Fupervisors
  622. Wind Sault
  623. Weapon Skills
  624. White Scojpion
  625. Whitfield School Missouri
  626. White Skin
  627. Wire Shear
  628. Weighted Stego-Image
  629. Wraith Sqsadron
  630. Wildlifi Sanctuaries
  631. Wong Sandler Science, Model, Supercritical, Mixing
  632. Western Sector
  633. Workplace Shell The graphical user interface of OS/2. Like the Mac OS and Windows 95, the Workplace Shell is document-centric. Document files are displayed as icons; clicking an icon starts the corresponding application, and the user can print a document by dragging the document’s icon to a printer icoThe Workplace Shell uses the graphi-cal functions of Presentation Manager.
  634. Western Siberia Technology, Governmental & Military
  635. White Stripes
  636. Wanderlei Silva
  637. Wire Schedule
  638. Water Surface Technology, Hull, Elevation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WS stand for?

    WS stands for Weapon Science.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wildlifi Sanctuaries?

    The short form of "Wildlifi Sanctuaries" is WS.


WS. (2022, March 24). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from

Last updated